Day 20: Danvers.

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"Lena? How...How are you here? Oh God, did she get you too? I should have been there to protec..."

"Save it Supergirl."

She hadn't meant to let it come out with such venom, but it had. Lena was terrified, confused, and all around just beside herself. The last thing she remembered was drinking herself into a stupor and now she was standing in Kara's loft healthy as a horse.

"Y-You know?"


"How...How long?"

"Since the night Reign threw Supergirl off the roof. I watched Supergirl die, Kara. Only it wasn't Supergirl, it was you. I don't know why I never saw it before, but that night, when I saw you reach out your hand to stop the little girl from coming to help you, I saw through the facade and realized I was watching my best friend being beaten, being KILLED."

"Lena, I...I'm so sorry. I was going to tell you. I was going to tell you THAT DAY! But then..."

"But then you went and got yourself killed without any consideration for those who love you? What would they have told me, Kara? Car accident? Would there be a headline underneath Supergirl's Death story that Read "Kara Danvers, talented reporter with heart of gold killed in fiery car crash? Or would they simply tell me that you'd moved away?"


Kara made her way across the room to Lena's side and attempted to embrace her.

"Dont," said Lena, extending an arm to keep her from coming any closer. "Don't touch me. Just...Tell me how we get out of here."

"I don't know."


Lena walked to the furthest corner of the room and sat down, her body giving out because of all of the emotional/physical stress. Kara kept her distance, but still took a few steps closer before sitting down facing Lena. Neither of them uttered a single word to each other. They had now idea that their hearts were broken for the same reason. After what felt like hours of tense silence, Lena finally spoke her truth.

"I'm glad you're ok, Kara. You ARE ok right? We aren't both dead and trapped together in some strange purgatory right?"

"I'm ok. There is a coulouan, Brainiac 5, who tried to explain to me what is going on. The long and the short of it is I am on a ship from the future inside of a stasis chamber with healing properties because I died several times and this was the only way to keep me alive."


"Yeah...Lena...why are YOU here?"

Lena paused. She didn't know how to tell Kara taht she was here because she'd drank so much in the last 4 days that she doesn't remember how she got here or where here even is.

"I...I'm not sure. I don't remember much of anything," uttered Lena.

"You were drinking again, weren't you?"

Lena hung her head, the shamed look on her face giving Kara the answer she needed.

"Don't," said Kara, sliding as close as she could to Lena and lifting her chin gently so they were looking at each other. "Don't hang your head. You have nothing to be ashamed of."

"You don't understand Kara...I watched you...I watched you...And i never got to tell you that...."

"I love you too, Lena."

"What? How did you..."

"I've known for a while now. I could see it in the way you looked at me, feel it in your touch."

"Why did you never say anything?"

"Because I...I couldn't let you love me while you were in the dark. But I have loved you for every moment of my life since the day we first met."

The words were everything Lena wanted to hear and so much more, her emotions took over her body, causing her to crash forward in a bruising kiss. No sooner had their lips collided did they both wake up in empty tanks side by side, with everyone staring at them with a look of relief. Kara and Lena shared a look of love and understanding as they were helped out of their tanks and into dry clothing. Thye needed to talk about what had happened in their shared limbo, but for now, they had to focus on bringing down Reign. The knowledge that the sooner that was taken care of the sooner she and Lena could truly be together gave Kara the new found confidence to fight Reign.

The End.

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