Day 25: Sweater.

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"I'm serious, Kara. You have to wash it eventually."

"No, Alex. I don't. I can't. I WON'T!"

"Kara you can't keep going on like this, you haven't left this apartment since Lena..."

"Left me?"

"That's not what..."

"Go on and say it Alex, I haven't left this apartment since Lena left me. All I have of her now is her sweater and I REFUSE to wash it! It still smells like her."

Kara curled herself back into a ball on the bed, pulling the sleeves of the sweater down to cover her hands before bringing them to her face. Lena had been gone for a week and she'd only gotten out of the bed to use the bathroom. She'd barely eaten anything - only eating when Alex came and forced her to sit and eat at least a few bites of something. She missed Lena more than words could describe and would give anything for her to come back home to her.

"Kara, sweetie. This is crazy, you are stronger than this! Lena isn't..."

"Worth it? Alex, how DARE you say that? Lena was the love of my life, I will NEVER get over her!"


Before Alex could finish her sentence, the door opened and in walked a very tired looking Lena, a large duffle bag tossed over her shoulder and a suitcase rolling behind her.

"Alex? What's going on here? Kara? Are you sick? Did you solar flare? Why didn't you..."

"You LEFT me!"

Alex and Lena shared an exacerbated look and rolled their eyes.

"Kara Danvers, you know very well I did NOT leave you. I was in Metropolis with Eliza teaching a seminar."

"Same thing."

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