Day 6: Fall.

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"Please pick up the phone...please...please Kara answer your phone!"

Alex held tight to Kelly's hand as they watched the horrific sight unfold before their eyes on National Television. Her sister and new sister in law had taken the CatCo Jet on their honeymoon - compliments of Andrea as a wedding gift - and had taken off that morning. Now, Alex and her wife were watching the CatCo Jet engulfed in flames and spiraling out of control somewhere between National City and Ireland. With no word from her sister, or Lena for that matter, Alex was panicking. The type of panic that no amount of support from Kelly could help ease. They'd called everyone they could think of, trying to track down how and where the footage was captured, but with no one willing to divulge that information, they were stuck. It wouldn't have helped matters that Kara and Lena had opted to change their plans mid-flight - and fly south to Costa Rica for a few days before heading to Ireland. So anyone looking for them was looking in the wrong place.

From the outside looking in, the scene was chaotic. Supergirl was seemingly nowhere to be seen, J'onn was on Mars helping the resistance and even Clark was on Argo so he could do nothing. Inside the jet, however, things were calmer. Kara had smelled the gas leak just before the explosion, and had just enough time to activate her suit and wrap Lena in her arms and shield her from the flames with her cape. There was no way of escaping the plane without Lena being exposed to the flames. No way for Kara to put out the flames because she needed to focus on keeping Lena safe.

The flames grew hotter, and the smell of smoke and gasoline grew stronger causing both of them to struggle to breathe. "I love you." Whispered Kara to her wife, knowing very well that this could be it for them both, especially Lena. Kara was Supergirl, but she still needed oxygen to breathe. "I love you too."

Kara could hear her phone ringing in her pocket, she knew it was Alex. But she couldn't - she WOULDN'T - answer the phone. She needed to keep her wife safe, no matter the costs.

"I'm scared, Kara."

"I know, Lena. Me too. But whatever happens, we're together."

Kara kissed her wife tenderly on the lips and pulled her even tighter, being sure to keep her cape wrapped fully around her wife's body covering the places that weren't covered by her own. She focused on the most beautiful heartbeat she'd ever known, until she heard the sound of water getting closer and closer to the plane. They were headed for a body of water, a thought which gave Kara at least a little bit of hope. If she could protect Lena from the impact, at least she stood a chance of surviving. All of the life preservers were being destroyed by the flames as she thought, but there would be SOMETHING to hold on to.

"Lena, I want you to listen to me. In just a few minutes we are going to crash into the water. The impact should break open the plane enough for us to get out, but It's going to take a while for the flames to die down because of the gas, so we're going to have to swim under the flames. It's going to be cold, and it will probably be painful, but I have you, ok? I have you. When I say go, I want you to take a deep breath and hold it, ok! Can you do that for me, Lena?"

Lena nodded, unable to speak out of sheer fear. Water was what killed her mother, and now here she was facing the real possibility of drowning. She could feel the panic setting in, but tried to focus on the feel of her wife's body pressed against her own. If she had to die today, at least she was going to die being held by the woman she loved more than anything in this world or any other.

"NOW! Breathe Lena!"

The pair filled their lungs with oxygen - and smoke and gas fumes - just as the plane hit the water. Being shielded by Kara's body, Lena didn't feel the impact but she saw the effects of it, Including her wife being knocked unconscious causing her to let out all the air she'd breathed in. Out of sheer will power, Lena was able to keep herself calm enough to navigate her way out of the plane and underneath the flames that burned along the surface of the water, dragging her lifeless wife behind her. Her lungs burned, desperate to exhale and breathe in clean fresh air to replace the poison she was holding in. But she knew she had to hold it just a little bit longer, keep swimming just a little bit longer, otherwise both she and her wife would be dead.

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