Day 7: Party.

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"Look, I get it! You don't want to..."

"No, Kara, you DON'T get it! You have no idea what this is like for me!"

"Then explain it to me! Please, Lena!"

Kara knelt down beside her wife who was sitting on their bed, her face buried in her hands. Their night had been one that was planned for months now. Lena had stayed out of the public eye as much as possible ever since the news broke that Lex was behind a series of biochemical attacks, once again sparking fear and distrust for the Luthor family. Tonight was their 5 year anniversary and they had both been looking forward to a romantic evening on the town, but now the thought alone caused Lena's heart to race.

"I have worked s-so hard to make these people trust me! Sacrificed so much. But I will always be seen as nothing more than an extension of my family name, even though I shed that name when I married you and cut ties with them completely! I just..."

Lena's emotions got the best of her, her words got caught in her throat.

"I've got you baby, just let it out." comforted Kara, holding her wife close as she cried.

"I'm so sorry, Kara. This isn't fair to you. You had a whole evening planned out for us and I've ruined it."

"You, my sweet Lena, have ruined NOTHING. Follow me."

Kara took Lena's hand into her own and helped her stand to her feet and guided her to the window of their loft.

"Do you trust me?"

"With my life."

"Hold on tight."

With one arm around Lena's waist, Kara effortlessly picked her wife up into her arms and kissed her gently on the lips before flying them off into the sunset. The two women hovered over National City gazing at the stars in each other's eyes. Once she could feel Lena beginning to shiver in the cold of the night, Kara wrapped her wife in her cape and continued to fly to the destination. A few minutes later they landed in front of the Fortress. Once inside, the two women were surrounded by thousands of plumerias and twinkling lights.

"Mrs and Mrs Zor-El."

"Hello Kelex," greeted Kara. "I believe we have a reservation. Party of two?"

"Right away Mrs Zor-El."

Kelex disappeared deeper into the fortress, waving behind him to encourage them to follow. Lena had been to the fortress many times before, but it looked nothing like this. Their guide led them to a small corner of the fortress where a table was set up with the most delicious looking food that Lena had ever seen, as well as a small box wrapped in a green bow.

"Kara, what did you...did you do all of this for me?"

"I would do anything for you Lena. This year has been hard on you. I knew that you wouldn't want to go out with things the way that they are. So I've been working on getting this together during the night while you slept. I wanted it to be perfect for you, because you deserve it."

Kara pulled the chair out and encouraged her wife to sit. She always went out of her way to romance Lena, even after being married for several years.

"What's in the box?" Asked Lena, running the ribbon between her fingers.

"Open it and find out."

Lena carefully untied the ribbon and opened the box to find a strange looking key with the symbol for the house of El on it.


"Lena, on this planet I can't grow old. But you can. I always knew that eventually I would need to leave, to change lives and cities to keep from arousing suspicion for my lack of aging. I have put it off for years because the thought of leaving everyone I love terrified me. But now, with you, I am even more terrified. On earth, I will outlive everyone I love. But on Argo...On Argo I can grow old like a human. I can have a normal life with the people that I love. With you."

"What are you asking me Kara?"

"Lena Danvers Zor-El, will you move with me to Argo?"

"What about National City? And your family? The rest of our friends?"

"They all have someone. Each of them has found their soul mates and they can have their happy ending. National City is in good hands with the rest of the team, and if anything happens that they cannot handle, they know how to reach me."
"Kara I..."

"You don't have to give me an answer tonight, Lena. I know that it's a lot to take in. Just know that on Argo, you will never have to worry about the Luthors or about proving yourself to anyone. You are beloved on Argo, admired the way that you should be admired here. There is a home prepared for us if or when the time comes. And if you decide that you want to stay, I will spend every day for the rest of my life showing you - and the world - what a beautiful soul you are both as Kara Danvers and Supergirl!"

Lena thought to herself for a moment. A world where she was treated and judged on her own merits and not her family was appealing to say the least, but being able to grow old WITH Kara, instead of having Kara watch her grow old gripped her heart in a special way. A life time of sunsets and walks around Argo City. Of making love without the help of a red sunlamp, to be able to truly be free. Of Kara being able to live the life she deserved - free from the stress and expectations of being National City's Hero. These thoughts and more consumed her mind, and her decision was an easy one.

"Let's do it!"


"Yes. I have no association with Luthor Corp anymore so that's taken care of, Nia and Andrea can run the Luther Foundation without me. Let's do it Kara. Let's have our happily ever after!"

Kara jumped from her seat and pulled her wife in for a passionate kiss, completely disregarding their dinner in favor of whisking her off to the sleeping chambers to worship her body like the goddess she is.

After weeks of planning and several Farewell Parties, both as Kara and Lena from their friends at CatCo and the Foundation and from the Superfriends, Kara and Lena flew off towards argo in their own ship - a parting gift from Brainy and the Legion - eager to start their own happily ever after.

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