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A month passed and Miranda hasn’t been to Therapy in that time frame. She was seeing Ben every time she had the chance so if she had to cancel an appointment. She did. She knew this week though that she would see him. She wanted a good release and as fun, caring, loving and nice Ben was, they weren’t ready for sex yet in their relationship.

So, she needed to see the therapist, update him on everything and then be pleased beyond measures.

Today was Saturday though and Ben talked Miranda into going to the Jubilee, same thing as a carnival.

Miranda was at home dressed in white shorts and a pink shirt, with white Nike shoes. She had Tuck dressed and ready to go to his dad’s.

Tucker was supposed to be picking Tuck up straight from the airport. He had to go out of town for work and was coming back today, although he was already 20 minutes late.

Miranda looked down as her phone began to ring. “Hey Tucker.” Miranda answered hopping he was down stairs.

“Hey Miranda. I’m still at the Airport in Arizona.”

“You’re what!? I don’t understand.”

“There was a delay and I’m still waiting for my flight.”

“You know what it’s fine. You should have called me earlier. You were suppose to be on that flight 3 hours ago and you sat there and waited without telling me for this long. That’s insane. Just call me when you are actually here and I will drop him off tonight.” Miranda huffed hanging up.

Miranda looked down again as her phone rung. “Hey baby.” Ben greeted as she answered the phone.

“Hey.” Miranda responded and she felt the butterflies in her stomach from his term of adornment.

“I was just calling to tell you that I am going to be to you in 30 minutes.” Ben said.

“Okay and it’s a change of plans, it won’t be just you and me. Tuck is still with me.” Miranda said waiting on his response.

“Okay, great, he would love it and there is things for little kids to do as well.”

“Are you sure you don’t mind?” Miranda asked.

“Miranda, he is your son. I know you don’t come with out Tuck and I’m fine with that. I’m actually glad that you are allowing me to meet him.” Ben told her confidently.

“Well, my feelings for you are real and strong so I presume that you would be around for a long time and he is bound to eventually see you as we move forward in our relationship.” Miranda answered and that made Ben smile.

“My feelings for you are real and very strong as well. I’m glad we are on a mutual page.” Ben replied.

“Okay.” Miranda said softly. “Tuck put that down….alright let me go get him situated before he kills himself. I will see you in what 25 minutes now.” Miranda smiled walking across the room to grab Tuck.

“25 minutes.” Ben repeated and the two hung up.

Miranda packed a bag for Tuck and grabbed his stroller.
After 25 minutes Miranda picked up Tuck and put him on her hip, before grabbing his stroller, bag and her purse.

She took the elevator down and walked out front. Miranda smiled at Ben leaning against his car. “Hey.” Ben greeted.

“Hey.” Miranda greeted back as she walked up. Ben took the stroller and bag out of her hand and moved to put it in the backseat of his car.

“Tuck. This is Ben, mommy’s friend.” Miranda introduced.

“Hi Tuck. I have heard so much about you.” Ben said and Tuck smiled shyly before saying hi.

Ben raise his hand for a high five and Miranda smiled as Tuck slapped his hand against Ben, giving him a high five.

“Alright stand here, with Ben while mommy go get your car seat.”  Miranda said sliding him down off of her hip.

Miranda went to her car and grabbed his car seat and she came back to see Ben and Tuck talking.

“Up.” Tuck said pointing to the sky.

Ben looked up and he saw the red plane with a banner going bye.

“Oh yeah a plane.” Ben acknowledged.

“Red.” Tuck clapped.

“Yeah a red plane.” Ben responded.

Miranda moved to put the car seat in and then she grabbed Tuck and put him in buckling him up. Making sure he was scrapped in correctly.

Ben opened Miranda’s door and then he got in and begin to drive. “Bus.” Tuck yelled and Miranda looked out the window as they passed a school.

“Yes honey, the wheels on the bus go…

“Round and round.” Tuck finished singing and Miranda smiled hard.

“You have a beautiful son.” Ben complimented.

“Thank you.” Miranda replied.

Ben pulled up at Seattle city park and Miranda looked around at all the activities, Ferris wheel, and people and she smiled. The last time she had been to something like this, she was 12 and the only reason she was able to go was because she went to church with her cousin and they went after church. Her mother would have never let her step foot in a carnival.

Ben parked and he helped Miranda out and then un buckled Tuck and put him in the stroller. Miranda hung Tuck’s bag and her purse on the stroller as Ben pushed.

They walked around having causal conversation. Ben held Miranda’s right hand with his left and pushed the stroller with his right. “Ohhh let’s do that.” Ben said pointing at the spinning tea cups

They walked and skipped pass the line. Miranda bent down and pulled Tuck out of the stroller and she grabbed their bags. Setting it down beside the gate where everyone else sat there’s.

They got into the cup and sat down. They listened as the man talked before they began to spin around and around.

Tuck cheered and Miranda laughed at his excitement.

The couple walked around together with Tuck and they did everything they could. Eating candy apples, popcorn, hotdogs, funnel cakes, churros and anything else. Tuck eventually fell asleep in the stroller and it was time to drop him off at his dad’s place.

Miranda leaned against Ben’s car as they continued talking.

“It’s getting late.” Miranda said sadly.

“I know. How about breakfast tomorrow before work.” Ben suggested.

“I would love that.” Miranda chimed.

“Me too, you know I love to see you and just be around you.” Ben admitted.

“I second that.” Miranda smiled as she pulled him in for a hug before standing on her toes to kiss his lips. Ben kissed her back hungrily and passionately.

They eventually broke apart and Ben walked her up to the apartment entrance.

“Goodnight Benjamin.”

“Good night Miranda.” Ben responded.

Monday afternoon was here and Miranda came inside of the room and grabbed a blindfold she thought about Ben and she decided that she would go back to just fingers, as much as it saddened her, she needed to just go back to the professionalism and protocols.

“Good afternoon. Ms. Bailey.” Ben greeted walking in.

“Good afternoon doctor. “ Miranda replied.

“It’s been a while.” Ben commented.

“Yeah it has, gosh me and Ben have been going on so many dates.” Miranda smiled.

“So he keeps you busy.” Ben voiced with a smile.

“Yeah and I really really like him.” Miranda told him happily.

“That’s great. I’m glad.” Ben said as he began to touch her thighs. Miranda bit her lip, god she missed this.

Ben came around to get close to her face and leaned down to kiss her lips but Miranda turned her head. “Mmm-mm don’t kiss me. Ben and I are kissing now and that’s nasty.” Miranda said seriously. Ben looked at her shocked. She was something special.

“So you want to go back to regular protocols?” Ben questioned sliding her panties to the side and he rubbed his finger on her clit.

“Mmmm.” Miranda moaned before nodded her head.

“If I have sex with you even if it’s just sex. That’s wrong and deceitful to Benjamin. Isn’t that cheating.” Miranda asked thinking.

Ben eyes widen, he didn’t even consider that. Of course, Miranda wasn’t actually cheating- considering Ben was her therapist but Miranda didn’t know that and he was really touched that she considered him, she was worried about cheating on him and that made him want to tell her that yeah they shouldn’t have sex but he wanted her.

He wanted to honestly fuck her brains out. “ So tell me something are you and Ben exclusive.”

“I don’t know , gosh I didn’t know you have to ask people to be exclusive. I thought that was given. Jesus, that’s a thing now. Why has the dating game changed so much.” Miranda huffed.

Ben’s head was already down close to her sex. Miranda looked down and bit her lip. “What are you doing?” She breathed as his breath tickled her sensitive skin.

“About to eat your pussy.” Ben replied seriously. “When you become exclusively his then we can go back to protocol.” Ben added as he pulled her legs up on his shoulder.

Miranda moaned and laid back, ready to be devoured.

Miranda was at home and laying in bed. She was reading her book but she kept thinking about Ben and whether or not they were exclusive. He could be doing exactly what she was doing. Having sex with someone and not saying it because they were only dating and she didn’t want him to be having sex with anyone. She sighed and then put her book down. Rolling on her side she grabbed her phone to call Ben.

“Hey baby.” Ben greeted.

“Hey, Ben.” Miranda greeted slowly.

“What’s wrong with you?” Ben asked.

“Ben are we exclusive?” Miranda asked.

“Do you want us to be?” Ben questioned.

“Yes, I do.” Miranda answered.

“Okay then we are exclusive.” Ben replied and Miranda smiled hard.

“I don’t even have to see you to know that you are blushing.”

“Shut up.” Miranda mocked laughing.

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