Chapter 9: A New Accessory

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I walk in the room to find Meilith cursing over his charge's cage, clutching his hand.

He doesn't seem angry...just upset.

"Is everything alright?" I ask as I lean over one of my own charges' cages, lifts the lid, and peel in to see the Hephno still sound asleep, her blue dotted skin pulsing lightly to show her peaceful dream-like state.

I smile and gently scoop her up into my arms, careful of her antennae on the top of her head.

She twitches a bit, but soon just cuddles into my arm and sleeps on. I cradle her as I walk over to Meilith to peek in the cage.

No sign of the human...?

"He's at the bottom of the nest." Meilith grunts, still cradling his hand. I frown and glance at it to find tiny teeth marks indented in the side.

I gasp. "Meilith, he bit you?" He nods, and I look at the nest once more. "I reached in, and I guess I scared him. I can't blame him...humans are touchy, and what with yesterday...I should have left him alone."

I nod, agreeing. However, "Meilith, you need to report this. Frightened or not, that human needs to be muzzled for future problems, when we need to grab him quickly. He would make a habit of it if he already bit you, and we just let him get away with it. 

Humans are attached to their defense mechanisms, and apparently, this one's is biting. Especially for when we need to feed him."

He nods, sighing. "I don't want to...but your right. I'll talk to Dr. Limio and a team of specialists. They'll get him settled."

I nod and clap him on the shoulder. "Get the bite looked at. Human teeth, however blunt, can pack a punch. That looks deep. You're lucky you're not bleeding." 

He nods and I walk off with the Hephno in my arms, still sleeping.

"Time for your mud bath, little angel. You're going to love it." I murmur as I carry her out.  


I stay under the nest for what seems like hours, addicted to the weight and sense of security it gives me.

And then my sense of security crashes when the nest starts to shake again, and I growl.

Have they not learned their lesson?!

I wait for a bit, and the shaking only increases before a hand comes into view again. And once more, still instinctive, since it seems to keep them away, I bite it, hard.

But I realize it's a gloved hand, and sticky at that. In fact, I cannot pry my mouth away from the glove, and it pulls up, pulling me with it.

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