Chapter 3: Mealtime

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We're going to have to keep a special eye on this human. 

I shake my head as I grab a Lilth from its cage. It chirps happily and nuzzles my chest with his cold nose.

I chuckle and pet his head, causing a soft purr to come from his throat.

"Let's see if we can find you a home, hmm?" I mutter as Hrae and Guerel picks up their own creatures.

The Lilth in my arm is orange with shiny black stripes across his body. His ears are furry and sit at the top of his head, with another set of regular human ears. 

Lilths are known for their very good sense of hearing, and their gentle and loyal nature. Earn a Lilth's trust, and it'll be loyal and kind to you for the rest of its life.

That may be their downfall though; they are extremely picky about whom they trust...which makes finding them a good home tough.

This certain Lilth has been here for 6 months now and has turned down every possible owner.

His orange hair is more like a mane, circled and fluffy.

It runs around his head and neck. He has sharp claws for fingernails like most aliens, but his feet have none.

I carry him out, still petting and murmuring soft words to him. Hopefully, this will be his last time here in this hallway.  


I wake up to the glass lid above me squeaking open. I squirm under the blankets of the nest and look up to find the same alien from before peering down at me. 

I must have been out for a few hours, because I feel very rested. But hungry. When was the last time I ate? Depends on how long it's been since I've been taken.

Back on Earth, the day I was captured, it's been about two weeks since I eaten anything considered edible.

My stomach growls at the distressing thought, and the alien smiles as he steps in the cage. My heart beats wildly for a few seconds, but the creature only settles down in a criss crossed position a few inches from the nest, facing me.

Its eyes bore into me for a few seconds before it clicks, motioning to me.

He pulls out a bottle of thick white liquid, and even though the bottle is very similar to the drinking water's dispenser, my stomach growls again.

At this point, I might just eat anything.

I slide out of the nest wearily, noticing how warm it was only after its comforts leave me, and I crawl slowly towards the alien.

Suddenly, clawed hands the size of my head each grabs me and lifts. I squeak in surprise as I am placed on the creature's lap on my back.

What the hell?

He sets the bottle down and pulls out something else from his apron. The material is very close to padded leather...a long stripe of it with a metal buckle in between it.

He firmly grabs my wrists, lifts them, and place one end of the leather against one of them.

Oh, no.

I struggle, but he keeps me pinned on his legs, using his stomach's weight to keep my legs down.

He wraps half of the leather around the wrist and attaches it to the middle buckle. He does the same with my other wrist with opposite end, and I marvel for a few seconds at the technology.

He attaches a ring to the top of the leather, right in the middle of my wrists, and ties a rope to the ring.

Then he ties the rope to his own wrist, immobilizing me.

Stupid smart thing. But why?

As he leans off my legs, he picks up the bottle with the attached hand, and using his other hand, lifts my head against his chest.

I realize now what is happening. He's going to feed me himself. Like a baby.

The closer his hand gets to my mouth, the tighter the rope between us gets, tightening the leather around my hands.

It rumbles soothingly before placing the tip of the bottle's lid at my mouth, soft like a normal baby bottle would be.

I try to pin my lips together (if he's going through all this trouble, the stuff must be horrible), but the tip pushes past my lips, forcing my mouth open.

And I was right. The stuff is disgusting.  


I click harshly as the boy gags, trying to spit out the rice milk. It's not the best, no. But it's full of nutrients, and it's all he can have now.

Fruit milk is worse.

"Just eat it." I mumble and finally, he swallows thickly. Tears swim in his eyes, and I sigh. "You'll get used to it, little one. Just drink, now. Best get it down quickly."

I lift his head up just a bit more to grant more access, and the next few minutes he gulps the milk down hatefully.

He whimpers between mouthfuls, and tries to gag, but I just rock him when comfortingly. I stroke his hair back as he feeds, smiling softly at the rich color.

Once he finishes, I place the empty bottle down, and undo his restraints, clicking softly at how good he did.

"There there." I grumble as the tears fall, with a few sobs in between. I rock him back and forth, mumbling praise.

After an hour has gone by, he stops, and stills, eyes blinking heavily. "Sleep now." I order lightly, and he closes his eyes  and doesn't open them again. 

I place him back in the nest, careful of his wounds, and climb out of the cage, securing the lid on top.  

The little human looks so cute sleeping like this, buried in bundles of warmth. My heart melts for the animal. 

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