Chapter 46: I Need A Drink

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I warily approach the desk, eyeing the Universal Council member representing our planet. The glimate waits for me to sit down and then some. 

She studies me strictly, before looking down at the papers in her hand. 

"Meilith, are you aware of why you've been called here?" She asks, her voice sending shudders down my spine. 

"No ma'am. I was not told whatsoever. I did not even know this meeting was taking place until your men showed up to escort me." 

She hums, leaning back. 

"I have looked into your records. You specialize with humans. You and most of your teams, correct?" She asks, and I shrug. 

"Mostly. We do the occasional Lilith and other creatures once in a while, but we're best with humans, yes." Her lips thin and she contemplates her words before speaking. 

"The other members from the Universal Council are growing worried, and would like to ask for your advice in the matter I am about to tell you." 

I blink, cocking my head. 

"M'am, with all due respect...I am pretty sure there are many other people who specialize their whole lives with just humans. Surely, they would be better to talk to about whatever matter the Universal Council is worried about." I nearly argue back, keeping my cool. 

I literally just got promoted a supervisor, and here I am, having a talk with the Universal Council Member of Shyvirron as if this was an everyday thing. 

"No. You work harder for the humans under your care than anyone else I have ever heard about. You haven't lost one human to the wild or to be put down. Yet." She says sternly, folding her arms and glaring at me, daring for me to talk back. 

I wisely shut up. 

"Anyways...Things have come to light, regarding Earth." I pick up at that, my heart clenching at the topic of Earth as a whole. 

"This has been a problem for the council for years now, but finally, we feel as if it's time to take the problem under our hands and get rid of it ourselves. We thought the rescue program was enough, but it was not." I stare at her as she sighs, closing her eyes tiredly. 

"The humans and other supernatural of Earth are destroying their planet. Their technology taints the air and land, their resources are near the end of supply because of the creatures' greed, and to top it off, they're killing each other in wars over matters that can simply be fixed with a bit of patience and trust in each other." She pauses, and my heart drops at where the conversation is going. 

"We have estimated that in the next ten years, life on Earth will have died out. The air will be too toxic to breathe, the land and water soiled and killed choked to death, and the humans' war devastating them." I blink at the news. 

The council is never wrong in their assumptions of a planet dying off. 

"Earth is coming to an end because of its inhabitants. Earth does not deserve such a death. She is also Mother Nature's child, and as such, we must take action." 

She groans, closing her eyes. 

"The council is debating whether or not to indulge in an all-out abduction, capture, and re-adoption process for all of Earth, regardless of their situations in life." 

I inhale sharply. 

"In other words, all human and supernatural will be overtaken, and re-habitated as pets. It is the safest play possible, according to most of the council. No lives will be lost, and Earth can rest in peace."

I gulp at the news. 

"So you have decided on this?" I ask, and she shakes her head. "Let's just say the council is having a war itself. Half agree with the re-habitation plan, and the other half does not, wanting nature to take its course as it should." I nod, thinking deeply. 

"May I ask what side you are on?" She curls her lip, her eyes flashing. 

"Neither yet. I am the tie-breaker. My choice will be what happens. Which is why I came to you, who is experienced with humans." She leans forward, staring straight into my eyes. 

"If I chose to go with the re-habitation plan, would it be successful? If I chose to let nature take its course, do you think humans would be able to save their planet if given a slight warning...of course form an unknown source, about their doom?" 

I gape at her. 

I am the one she went to when deciding something that can and will change history?

What is going on in this world to come to me of all freaking people?! My mouth closes up as I just stare at her. 

She chuckles, leaning back. 

"Forgive me. I just dumped a bomb in your lap. I'll give you three days to think this over, and please, keep this conversation between us two. I do want an answer...or at least an opinion. I may or may not listen to it...but if you can't give me a reply, I will pick my decision based on a poll from the council. That won't be fun for anyone." 

She stands and grabs her bag. 

"Thank you for your time. Three days, Meilith." With those last words, she leaves me in the conference room with a much heavier heart. 

The weight of an entire species and its planet rests upon me now, and I'm freaking out. 

I need a drink. 

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