14. Letters - Part 2 (M)

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She held his face tenderly in her hands, "I think I love you Ozan Korfali."

He looked at her in awe and disbelief, his heart so full of happiness, he could barely breathe, "I know I love you Esra Erten. I always have. I always will."


She kissed him quickly one more time and shoo'd him out of the restaurant. He left dragging his feet, turning back to look at her every few yards, his puppy eyes brimming with happiness. She had never seen him look so happy and it filled her heart that she was the reason.

They met secretly most evenings, sometimes in parks outside the mohalle, sometimes by the waterfront in the old abandoned boat, and one weekend he even took her to his office in Istanbul.

They took a bolder step and went to the amusement park together, dragging Zeyno and Musa with them. Musa was Ozan's friend from work and ever since he had been introduced to Zeyno, he had became quite the regular in the mohalle. The park was teaming with folks from the neighborhood who would surely report back to Zumrat. Ozan wanted to tell his mum, but Esra was not ready for the fallout. She wanted him to herself for just a little while longer, without having to fight off his mother. They walked around the park as a foursome, trying to not draw attention to themselves, and Ozan and Esra were finally able to get a little alone time on the Ferris Wheel.

They held hands as they took in the view and Ozan had never felt such peace... until the Wheel ground to a halt, right as they reached the very top.

He didn't know how Esra would react. Was she going to be worried that they were stuck? Would she be upset that she would be late going back home? He turned to look at her warily, ready to calm her down. Instead she burst out laughing, and he heaved a sigh of relief. Of course, this was Esra! She didn't let anything faze her.

She looked up at the brightly lit sky that now seemed almost within their reach, her eyes marveling at the stars that twinkled even more brilliantly. "Güzel değil mi, Ozan?"

He followed her gaze to the sky and then his eyes trailed back to her face - her parted lips, her wondrous smile, her shining eyes - as she looked skyward. He fell a little more in love with her in that moment. She was more beautiful to him than any star in the sky. "Çok güzel," he replied huskily.

The tone of his voice made her look back at him, and she blushed as she realized he was talking about her. Her heart somersaulted in her chest and she felt herself falling even more deeply for him.

She cradled his cheek in her hand, her eyes soft, "Kiss me Ozan," she whispered.

And he did, under the stars.


2 Months Later

"I have a surprise for you," Ozan said.

Esra clapped her hands in delight. "Oooh, I love surprises. What are we celebrating?"

"You getting into the University of course!" he enveloped her in a big bearhug. "I'm really so proud of you Esra. I knew you could do it. "

Esra beamed happily at him, he always had a way of making her feel special.

"Do you think you can get off early and stay a little late?" Ozan asked hopefully.

Esra nodded, "yeah, I'll tell anne I'm staying at Zeyno's."

They had told their respective families and while Menekse was utterly delighted, Zumrat was not fully on board. But Ozan was convinced that she would come around, and Esra decided to not question his faith.

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