22. A Boy And A Boat -Part 1 (ep25)

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Taking them back to the docks and the boat that is so integral to their story.


Esra watched in amusement as Atlas scrambled under the blue tarp. This had become his favorite hideaway. Whenever she was at her parents house, it was required that she take him to the docks. It was no surprise that he found the boat just as fascinating as she and Ozan had in their youth. Everyday he would leave something new under the tarp - a piece of paper, a broken toy, a stone - and look excitedly to see if maybe a pirate had stolen it.

This was the time of the day that she felt most at peace. Here at the docks, just her and Altas.

He pulled the tarp over his head, and she played along, "Atlas nerde? Nerde??"


Ozan wandered over to the pier. A visit to the mohalle, and playing interference between Elif and his mother over the wedding details, always added to his stressed out state of being. Something about the pier and that boat still brought him a little peace in the chaos. He had gone ahead and purchased the damn thing, tarp and all, and even restored it. It would stay on that dock forever, dammit, and stand the test of time unlike the relationship that was irrevocably tied to it. It was the one part of his memories he could control and preserve.

He spotted her on the boat and his steps faltered. Ever since she was back in town, his already chaotic life had fallen even more into shambles. She had invaded his dreams, his thoughts, and now his reality.

He almost turned back around but his stubborn streak took over and he walked purposely towards the boat. He owned it now, he could tell her to leave.

He stopped at the edge of boat. She still hadn't noticed that he was there.

"Esra!" he called testily.

She spun around, surprised. Then raised her finger to her lip, telling him to shush. She pointed to the little bump in the tarp mouthing the word 'Atlas'.

He smiled in spite of himself. The kid had his whole heart, there was no doubt about it. He was Esra's, and that seemed enough. And it didn't hurt that he was the most adorable little boy he had ever met.

He climbed onto the boat and played along. "Esra! What are you doing here? Where is Atlas?"

"Ozan I don't know where he is, I hope he's not lost!"

Atlas giggled under the tarp, and Ozan and Esra looked at each other and smiled.

"What was that sound?" Ozan feigned confusion. "It sounded like it was coming from this bump under the sheet. Is someone on the boat? Is it a pirate? Hmm, let me catch him before he gets away."

Atlas whipped off the tarp and shouted gleefully, "It's me Atlas!! I fooled you!"

Ozan picked him up and spun him in the air. "Got you, you little pirate. I'm going to have to keep you on this boat for a few days now."

Atlas giggled uncontrollably, "I don't mind staying here. Can I stay Anne? Please?"

Then as if something registered in his little head he looked at Ozan, "is this your boat?" he asked wide-eyed.

Ozan nodded, "It is. And you can come and play here whenever you want."

He looked up at Esra and something passed between them, the fact that he owned the boat was new to her. Something warm lit inside her at the thought that he had tried to hold on to this little bit of their history.

"Shall I show you all the treasures I have here?" Atlas asked excitedly.

"Of course!" Ozan said, lowering the boy to the floor, getting down on his haunches.

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