15. A Ranch AU

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So a couple of folks pinged me about writing an AU based on the Hello magazine photoshoot. I dithered for a bit, because I find universe building for a quick one-shot unsatisfying, but I also didn't want to write a whole fic around it.

So here is something quick. I hope it satisfies the craving, and please excuse the shortcuts and the occasional abruptness :)


The Premise

Esra Erten is the daughter of the wealthy owner of the Erten Shipping Conglomerate. It was always assumed that she would marry Cinar, the son of her dad's equally wealthy best friend - a permanent bringing together of families and businesses.

She'd known Cinar most of her life and yet she barely knew him at all. They lived in different cities and certainly lived different lifestyles. But here she was ,on this farmhouse resort ,with both families on hand, ready to finalize the deal.

Yes, deal - because she saw it as nothing more than a business transaction. She and Cinar shared barely anything at all in common except for a privileged upbringing. The little time she had spent with him as an adult, proved that they were nothing like each other. But she was a practical person - she wasn't in love with anyone else, she was rather comfortable with her current lifestyle, and she had never really thought about  "What If".

But they were all here now  ready to raise the celebratory toast, and she found herself barely able to breathe. She asked to be excused for a little while and wandered over to the far end of the resort to what seemed to be a working horse farm.


Esra heard the sound of horses and followed it into the barn. She stopped at the first stall and giggled happily when the horse came up to her and nuzzled against her hand. She heard footsteps and froze when she saw a man walking a horse into the barn - she knew she had no business being here. She started backing out slowly, ready to run, when he spotted her and headed in her direction.

 She started backing out slowly, ready to run, when he spotted her and headed in her direction

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Esra's breath caught. Gosh, he was beautiful - tall and lean, all high cheekbones and sharp features, his dark hair flopping on his forehead.

He raised an eyebrow at her ,and she shook herself mentally. Might as well lean into this indiscretion.

She walked towards him and held out her hand. "Hi I'm Esra. Esra Erten."
"Ozan," he said shaking her hand firmly, his hand cool to the touch. Did she imagine his long fingers lingering on her palm? Get a grip Esra, she chided herself. This whole engagement business was really messing with her brain.

"Are you a guest at the resort?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm here with my family and my...", the word fiance caught in her throat. "my...dad's friends"

"I see." He guided the horse into the stall and proceeded to brush him down. "And why are you here and not at the resort?" He asked casually, " this part of the property is private to the owners."

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