Unexpected Arrival

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A/N: Thank you so much to those of you who have taken the time to read my story, I am beyond grateful. I have also tweaked with one of the flashbacks to make it flow better with the story so i hope I haven't disappointed at all. I do not own James Bond in any way,shape or form. I only own Cassie.

                            Unexpected Arrival

When Bond eventually arrived at his hotel in Munich, he took a brief moment to inspect his surroundings. The room was up to his usual standard, exquisite as always, he had also done his usual checks for bugs, cameras and listening devices. The mission was fairly straightforward, gather as much intel regarding the last of quantum's agents; nothing too drastic and should take no more than a few days at most.

Bond found that the more and more that he was supposed to be focusing on the mission; the more and more he couldn't. His mind kept drifting back to the events of the last few days, hell the last few years even. Tracy, Vesper, Draco, Cassie.
So much has happened over the last few days, his mind was still trying to process it all. He needed to focus, the sooner he finished this assignment, the sooner he could get back to Cassie and give her all of the answers she wanted.

The journey to the hotel had bought back memories of Bond's journey to the hotel splendide with Vesper a very long time ago...

Montenegro - 2006:

Bond eyed the paperwork as well as the passports that he and Vesper had been provided as cover, he couldn't help it but he loved teasing her, especially when he implied that they were meant to be 'very much in love' "Don't worry, you're not my type" he said staring out of the window "Smart?" Vesper asked incredulously "Single" he replied bluntly.

Vesper gave him a look as if to say 'seriously?' But kept quiet. He then turned his head to glance at her once more before giving her a smirk "I'm not incredibly stupid Mr.Bond, I did read your file that M provided for me." Bond's smirk turned into a grimace quicker than someone clicking their fingers. "I'm sorry about the death of your wife; how long has it been?" She asked with a hint of sympathy in her voice, Bond eyed her suspiciously "if you read my file then you would know how long it has been" "M didn't put dates in the file Mr.Bond, only a brief note on your marital status as 'widower' so forgive me for trying to get to know you."

Bond glanced down at his shoes and sighed to himself "15 years in January" he muttered. "Do you still think about her?" She whispered, trying to be careful with her choice of words. Bond started to look out of the window once again "everyday" he replied back quietly "everyday." He faced her once again"Forgive me Vesper; my wife is a bit of a sore subject for me, it still hurts to talk about her." "I understand" she replied back nodding in acknowledgment and soon a comfortable silence fell in the car between the two of them.

Present Day - 3 Days Later:

Bond felt like he had been getting nowhere with his assignment. After three tiresome days, he had managed to track down the last few agents of quantum, monitoring their movements, while keeping a low profile with was quite a feat for him and his standards. After sending the necessary information over to M during a quick briefing where Bond was relieved to hear that he could make arrangements to return to London the next day; he had decided that a good drink in the bar was in order.

After making quick work of packing his belongings and finishing the necessary reports that M would usually nag him for, Bond made his way down to the hotel bar where he was about to order his signature drink, when he saw a familiar figure walk into the bar. Someone he hadn't seen in over twenty years. Someone he definitely wanted answers from. 'Bastard' he thought to himself 'after all these years, after all that's happened, he just happened to be in the same bar as me.'

Was it coincidence? Fate? Or just sheer bad luck on Bond's part? Whatever it was Bond felt as if he couldn't pass the opportunity up. He needed answers, didn't he deserve that at least? Whatever had happened to them in the past, they were joined for life for two reasons; Tracy and Cassie. He owed him an explanation at least. 'It's now or never' thought to himself and so he made his way over to the elderly man and made his presence known to him "Draco."

A/N: I know this is a shorter and i am sorry about that, but i found this chapter a bit difficult to write. I knew what i wanted to happen in this chapter but i could never word it properly but hopefully this chapter is good and makes sense. It made sense in my head in the end. I am in the process of writing the next two chapters so hopefully they should be online soon. I hope you are all enjoying the story so far. I am enjoying writing it.
Until the next time, have a lovely day.

The Past Always Comes BackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora