Memories & Conversations.

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A/N: Okay so I have now seen No Time To Die.... it was good. I didn't really like the ending. Daniel Craig was fantastic as Bond. I wish they had used Ana De Armas' character a bit more and loved Lyshana Lynch's Nomi. Overall a  good, enjoyable film. Once again i do not own James Bond in any way, shape or form; I only own Cassie.

                                                                                               Memories & Conversations

The next day Bond found himself outside of Q branch once more, the palms of his hands felt very clammy and sweaty.He kept mentally telling himself 'you have nothing to worry about, she's your daughter after all.' He had never felt this nervous before.
After another round of numerous self pep talks, he finally plucked up enough courage to enter the department.

Cassie was sat perched at her desk reading a book. She seemed too engrossed so Bond decided to clear his voice to gain her attention. Cassie's head tilted up at the sound of the voice clearing and gave a slight smile. "Ah 007, we meet again" "Miss Draco" Bond said formally, "Please 007" Cassie interrupted "call me Cassie, everybody does." Bond smiled in return "In that case Cassie if we are to be on a first name basis then you must call me James" he replied back courteously while secretly thinking at the same time 'I wish you knew who I really was.'

"So James, are you here to finally pick up your equipment for your assignment for M?" Cassie asked rising from her desk, "yes" he replied back. It was in this moment that Bond had noticed the title of the book Cassie was reading "naturally Cassie" he then proceeded to pick up the book on her desk and gave a slight smirk at the title "Rebecca? I didn't have you pinned as a Du Maurier fan"

Cassie turned to face Bond, noticing that he had her book in his hand "It's my favourite, I've read it three times" Cassie then proceeded to hand Bond a briefcase filled with the essential equipment for his mission "All of the instructions are in the case for you James" Bond thanked her taking the case from her, he looked at the book again before handing it back to her "If only there could be an invention that bottled up a memory, like scent. And it never faded, and it never got stale. And then, when one wanted it, the bottle could be uncorked, and it would be like living the moment all over again." Cassie's eyes grew bright as she recognised the quote from the book "You've read the book as well?" She asked excitedly.

"Oh yes" he replied back Coolly "It was your mother's favourite book also" Cassie's smile began to fade "I never knew that about her, you seem to know more about my mother than I do James." Bond bowed his head in recognition "I really must apologise for yesterday, I knew your mother quite well before she passed away and well let's just say that I didn't take the news of her death very well." "You must've known her quite well? I hardly know anything about her, my grandfather barely even spoke about her and whenever she was mentioned he would get angry and change the subject" she said sadly.

Bond was shocked at this revelation. How could Draco just disregard Tracy's memory by not even telling her own daughter about her? What was he possibly trying to achieve by doing this? " yes" he replied back swiftly "oh yes i knew her very well, your mother was there for me in my time of dire need, and I was there for her when she felt as if she had nowhere else to turn to, what exactly has your grandfather told you about her?" He asked. "Not much" she replied back.

Bond sighed "When I return from my mission, I will tell you more about your mother, that much i can promise you, deal?" He said while holding his hand out, Cassie then took Bond's hand in her own and shook it enthusiastically "deal, I'm holding you to your promise James." "Oh I definitely promise, Until the next time Cassie" he said turning to walk out of the room, "goodbye James" he heard Cassie faintly say as the door swung shut swiftly.

He was on route to Munich, he wasn't sure when he started to doze but his brain started to stir up old memories that had long been buried.

Portugal - 1990

Tracy was stunning even when she was furious. She had somehow managed to sneak into his room and snatch his gun from the holster hanging on the chair without him noticing, all she had on was her underwear and a hotel dressing gown.

"You're full of surprises Contessa" he said with an impressed smirk "So are you Mr.Bond" she replied calmly; she was now pointing the gun at him "Do you always turn up armed for a rendezvous?" She asked inquisitively "Occasionally" he held his hand out to her "I'll take that if you don't mind" she gave him a look and lifted the gun a little bit higher so it was now aimed at his chest rather than his waist.

"You're very sure of yourself aren't you?" She asked rhetorically. "Suppose I were to kill you for a thrill" Luckily he had distracted her with a flirty retort before grabbing her arm to disarm her. Earlier in the evening Bond had been followed by two men and he had a sneaky suspicion that it had something to do with Tracy. "I have no idea what you're talking about" Tracy said without a care. bond pulled her closer and she looked him up and down "Whatever else I may be, i am not a liar." She said calmly.

Bond let her go as she began to walk out to the balcony that was attached to the bedroom "Look Tracy, You don't owe me a thing" he said as he followed her. He grabbed her hand "I think you're in some kind of trouble and I'd like to help you." Tracy then turned and begun to passionately kiss him. Well as you can Imagine, Bond was very happy with the way the evening panned out.

Present Day

Bond woke up with a start. He hadn't had a dream about Tracy for quite some time, it shook him for a moment. Not even when Vesper died did he have dreams about her. To the common stranger, Many would say that Vesper was the love of Bond's life. But to those extremely close to him knew that only one person forever held a close place in his heart and that was Tracy. But recently since discovering about Cassie, Bond felt a hint of fatherly pride in the girl. Even if she never found out the truth about her parentage, he would go to the grave knowing that there was one good thing in this world that he got right; his daughter.

Yes he promised her that once he returned from his mission that he would tell Cassie all about Tracy. A part of him was still angry at Draco for not telling Cassie about Tracy. He put it down to grief and couldn't entirely blame him; he did now understand why Draco had banned him from attending Tracy's funeral, because Cassie would've been there. The poor girl deserved to know more about her mother, she has gone nearly her entire life not knowing much about her and Bond was determined to at least give her that courtesy.

He pulled out his wallet and pulled out one of the things that he kept particularly close to his chest. It was a picture of Tracy, she was in a summer dress, had sunglasses on and had a peaceful look on her face. On the back of the photo was a brief inscription;

James Darling;

For your eyes only until you return,
Then we will have all the time in the world.

Yours Always,


A/N:  Holy smoke! Two chapters in one day! Yeah I really needed to upload this chapter after seeing No Time To Die, for those of you who have seen the movie, what did you think of it? More importantly what did you think of the ending? Thank you to all of those who have taken the time to read this story, it means so much to me and i am eternally grateful.
Until the next time, have a nice day.

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