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A/N: I do not own James Bond in any way, shape or form I only own Cassie. Less than 24 hours until i see No Time To Die, I cannot wait to see this movie! I grew up with the Bond Films and have been really looking forward to seeing where this film takes us.


It was quite a cold, autumn day in London. Quite bleak for James Bond's taste but he took the cold air in his stride, staring out at the rooftops of Whitehall he couldn't help but feel a short form of peace in this moment. His mind kept drifting back to the events of a few weeks ago. The Horrible events that took place in Skyfall, The death of M.

As she lay dying in his arms; he couldn't help but feel as if he'd failed her. She had been the closest thing to a mother figure he had ever had. Hell even the banter and witty comebacks made even the common stranger believe that they were mother and son rather than Boss and employee. He wasn't sure how long he had been standing on the roof but his thoughts were interrupted by the familiar sing song voice of Eve; the field agent turned personal secretary to M's replacement Gareth Mallory.

"Wow" Bond wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying until he turned to face her, she then proceeded to give him a box. "Her will was read today, she wanted you to have this" he opened the box to find M's prized bulldog figurine. He couldn't help but smile at this.

When they finally got back inside, he decided to have more of a conversation, "I don't think we were properly introduced". Eve turned and smirked "No we haven't, well my name is Eve. Eve Moneypenny" Bond smirked and replied with a flirty reply before being called into M's office. Once inside, Bond took a moment to pause and accept that Gareth Mallory had now taken over the position of M and regained his composure almost instantly.

"How's the arm sir?" Bond asked nonchalantly. Mallory replied that he would be on the mend and threw a file on the desk in font of him, "So 007, ready to get to work?" Bond stood silently before replying "With Pleasure M, With Pleasure" before taking the file from the desk. "Excellent" M quipped back "report to Q branch to get kitted out" Bond nodded and swiftly left the office, saying goodbye to Moneypenny in the process.

When he arrived at Q branch Bond was surprised that there was no sign of Q, he was however surprised to see a young woman there instead. "Good Afternoon" he said curtly, the young woman turned around and for a brief moment Bond looked as if he'd seen a ghost.

This young woman looked exactly like his dead wife Tracy even down to her eyes, but that couldn't be possible. "Hello, you must be 007, I was informed that you would be on your way down here" she replied back. Bond nodded his head in acknowledgment "Forgive me, I was looking for Q" she smiled "Q is on annual leave so I am filling in for him while he is away" bond nodded at this "forgive me once again but you look incredibly like someone i used to know many years ago."

The young woman shrugged her shoulders at this "I get that a lot I'm afraid 007" she replied with a faint smile, she then proceeded to hold her hand out for him to shake "I'm so sorry where are my manners my name is Draco, Cassandra Draco but everyone calls me Cassie" Bond gulped at this and took her hand in his to shake. 'Cassie' could possibly be related to Tracy, Not many people have the surname Draco around here.

" Tell me Cassie, is it possible that you're related to Marc Ange-Draco?" Cassie smiled at this "Very good 007, yes as matter of fact he is my grandfather" Bond winced at this " I wasn't aware that he had any more children other than his daughter Tracy" Cassie's smile faltered " He didn't, Tracy was my mother and you must've known her quite well 007 as my grandfather used to tell me that only those who knew her called her Tracy."

Bond's heartbeat began to quicken "How old are you?" He asked quickly. "21" she replied giving him an odd look "what's my age got to do with anything?" She asked him, eyeing him up and down. "I'm so sorry I have to go, I need to talk to my superiors about the mission, I'll come back later for my equipment" he said before scurrying off back to M's office.

The Journey back to M's office made Bond feel like he was in a daze the same thoughts it buzzing through his head 'Is she mine?' 'Why didn't Tracy tell me?' 'Why didn't Draco let me know?' But more importantly 'Why is she here now?' And 'Does she know about me?'.

"James, what on earth are you doing back here? I thought M told you to report to Q branch before heading off onto your mission?" Moneypenny said quietly; trying not to disturb M. "Moneypenny i need you to do something for me, there is a young woman working in Q branch, Miss Cassandra Draco, i need you to do a full background check on her and bring it back to me for my eyes only". Moneypenny looked at Bond with a raised eyebrow. "What are you up to James?" She asked incredulously.

"Moneypenny please, I wouldn't ask if this wasn't important, can you keep a secret?" She nodded her head "There may be a chance that she is my daughter" Moneypenny's eyes bulged and looked as if they were going to pop out of their sockets "I'll get right onto it James and bring it over to your place later" "Thank you" he said with a sigh of relief, "I'll see you later" and then proceeded to walk out of the office before M knew any different.

A/N: so here is the first chapter. I have had to tweak the events of OHMSS as well as Casino Royale so this story can work. I hope you all like this chapter and Chapter 2 is already in the process of being written. I cannot wait until I see No Time to Die tomorrow. I'm so excited, it's also got me wondering who they will cast next to play James Bond. Who do you want to play Bond next? What is your favourite Bond Movie? Comment to let me know.

Have a great day everyone!!!!

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