London Showdown

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A/N: Hi Everyone, I'm back!!!! I'm so sorry for the hiatus, I went brought a severe case of writer's block and life got in the way of many things (including my writing). Also I was out of commission where life is concerned  due to having Covid in September last year and then again in February (which absolutely sucked by the way, trust me it did!).  Thank you all so much for your continued support of this story. Even though I struggle with chapters sometimes, I do enjoy writing this story and all of your positive feedback definitely makes it worthwhile. I do not own James Bond in any way, shape or form; I only own Cassie. Also this chapter may stray a bit where th movie was concerned, just so I could help move the story along. I hope you all had a wonderful year so far, anyhow on with the story...

London Showdown

The trio found themselves back in London a few days later and managed to meet up with M and Q off the radar in a safe house called hildebrand. Q had been pleasantly surprised to see both Bond and Cassie in one piece along with Dr.Swann as well; with M however it was strictly business as usual.

Bond informed M of Blofeld and C's business dealings and together the pair had come up with a plan to try and take C down. Cassie had left before everyone else to form a diversion in case anyone was watching; much to Bond's dismay, he made sure that she had a small gun hidden on her before giving her a quick hug and watching her swiftly leave the building.

As the rest of the company  were all leaving the building Madeleine pulled Bond to one side and said that she couldn't be apart of this before going her separate ways with him. Bond looked back to her for a brief moment before getting into the car with M and driving away. Bond wasn't sure really paying attention to M's instructions; his mind kept going back to the recent events of the last few days, he couldn't really understand Cassie's animosity towards Madeleine.

He wasn't sure how long he had been in the car but as they entered a tunnel he was taken by surprise when another car smashed into the passenger side of M's car. Bond had been bound and gagged before he could even bat an eyelid, he wasn't sure how long he had been tied up but he knew that he had been forced into another vehicle and taken somewhere he knew nothing about; He then became aware that the car or a thought was a car had come to a stop.

It was in this moment that Bond managed to free himself of his restraints and blindfold before knocking out his captors. After getting his bearings he came to realise that he had been taken to the old MI-5 building. Bond made doubly sure that he had plenty of bullets left in the gun that he commandeered of one of his captors. If there was one thing he knew for certain; it was that he wasn't going to go without a fight.

Upon entering the building; Bond noticed that the place was completely deserted. There wasn't a goon in sight. After walking a little further into the building, Bond finally came across Blofeld. He was just standing there in the middle of the room, unarmed; a huge gash came down from his right eye which had clearly been blinded due to the white film over the area where his pupil had previously been right the way down to the bottom off his cheek. Blofeld merely smirked as he noticed Bond arrive.

It was clear that Blofeld had set the building up as an elaborate trap for Bond, judging from all of the pictures hanging from each cell. Vesper, M, Tracy and finally two cells dedicated to himself and Cassie. Bond felt himself forcibly take a deep breath, his thoughts kept drifting towards his daughter. He knew deep down that he shouldn't have let go on her own. He should have known better; his enemy was fully aware of Cassie's parentage so she had just as big of a target on her back as Bond did, he hated to admit it to himself but he had been incredibly careless where Cassie had been concerned.

Blofeld had finally made eye contact with Bond; which made him lower his gun slightly before asking "where is she?" Blofeld smirked "where is who James? I'm afraid you will have to be a little bit more specific." Bond gave a puzzled look. "If you will lower your weapon and follow me, all will become a bit more clearer for you." Blofeld then proceeded to go up a set of stairs and out of a door which led to the roof, Bond kept his weapon raised, but still followed. When he finally made it to the roof, Bond took in a deep breath and tried to not let the look of shock show on his face; there was Madeleine and Cassie; both tied up in chairs,gagged, blindfolded and each had bombs attached to them. Blofeld stood in between them, while two of his goons held onto each of the women by their hair with guns aimed at each of their heads.

"You have put yourself in a terrible predicament James" Blofeld said with a smile. "We are going to play a little game; a game of chance so to speak." Blofeld started to circle around the women like a vulture stalking its prey. "Two lives are currently in your hands; your daughter and the latest love of your life" Blofeld twirled a loose strand of hair on Cassie's face around his finger, he then gave an evil grin before stalking towards Bond.

"I shall make this as simple as possible James, you get to choose which one dies by my hand personally and which one stays with you to die in this building" 'This isn't simple, this is Russian roulette' Bond thought to himself.  He then took a deep breath pointed to Madeleine before letting out an exhausted sigh "Madeleine stays with me" he heard the scared cries of his daughter as he turned away, shutting his eyes. 'I'm sorry Cassie, I'm so sorry' Bond thought to himself; knowing full well that he couldn't get the words out. Blofeld's goons untied Cassie from the chair and made her stand up but very quickly handcuffed her hands behind her back.

Blofeld smiled a Cheshire Cat grin as he approached her. He untied Cassie's blindfold and faced her before wiping a few stray tears from her eyes before saying "hush now Cassandra; have no fear I'll make your death quick, just like your mothers" Bond tried to lunge at Blofeld but the villain was one step ahead of him pointing his gun at Cassie's head while the two goons pointed their guns at Bond.

"Now now James , you don't want to make an even more foolish decision than you already have do you?" Blofeld sneered before shoving Cassie into his helicopter.

Cassie was too scared to move, she felt too scared to breathe, her mother and grandfather's murderer sat in front of her, with a gun pointed directly at her without a care in the world. Judging by the look on his face he looked like the cat who got the canary.  One part of her kept internally screaming to think rationally about how to get out of this scrape; but the realistic voice in her head also kept screaming 'screw being rational, just this once take after your bull headed father and be unrational'. 

Cassie had quickly glanced down and noticed that Blofeld and his goons had forgotten to tie her feet up; this was good, it meat that she had something to go with and a plan beginning to form. without even thinking , as Blofeld glanced out of the window, Cassie took her opportunity and started to continuously kick Blofeld; managing to get a few good blows to his face and wound to the eye. 

Happily satisfied that the evil tyrant seemed to be knocked out, Cassie struggled to open the helicopter door but even though her hands were handcuffed behind her back; she somehow managed to accomplish her task at hand. Once open she took a quick glance below, noticing that she was over the river thames, she spared a quick thought to her father 'Bond, I hope you find me in time' before jumping out of the helicopter and plunging into the river below.

She knew it was a foolish thing to do, but she had hope they she would be reached in time and as she felt her lungs fill up with water; Cassie's last thoughts were of her mother before finally slipping into unconsciousness.

A/N: Hooray we have nearly reached the end of Spectre!!! I'm not going to lie, it's not one of my favourite Bond Movies and I have struggled with this segment of the story. Anyhow I hope you have enjoyed this story and as always I want to thank you all for the continued support! I know I haven't been updating as regularly as I used to but I would rather have quality in a chapter rather than quantity. (If that makes sense at all) I digress, anyway I hope you all have a lovely day!!!!

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