Meeting Oberhauser

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A/N: A huge thank you to all of those who have taken the time to read my story so far. I am beyond grateful that you are all enjoying it so far and that makes me super happy. I do not own James Bond in any way, shape or form, I only own Cassie.

Meeting Oberhauser

Bond awoke after his eventful evening on the train; Madeleine was curled up on his chest still fast asleep. He hadn't anticipated Oberhauser's head goon to attack them in the dining car, he certainly did not expect to let one thing lead to another with Madeleine soon after. He managed to pry himself  out of the bed, quickly dressed himself and then made his way towards Cassie's compartment. He knocked on the door but there was no answer, he knocked again "Cassie?" Still no answer; Bond then took it upon himself to open the door and go inside.

The bed hadn't been slept in; her bag was still situated on there, her battered copy of Jane Eyre sat on the bedside locker. Bond noticed that Cassie kept a photograph in there used as a bookmark; upon inspection, he noticed that it was a picture of Bond and Tracy from when they were still dating. He remembered the day that picture was taken; It was by the fountain in Draco's garden, Tracy had been dressed in a pale blue summer dress, she had her hair tied up because the heat had started to get to her. "This is my favourite spot in the garden" he remembered her saying " First thing in the morning when the sun rises; it gives off different ranges of colours in the plants; to me that's when the garden is most beautiful." He recalled that she had a peaceful look on her face when she said this "Just like you" he had said back to her all those years ago.

Bond was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of his phone pinging and was shocked at the image that had popped up on his screen; There was Cassie, unconscious, bound and gagged to a chair with a large gash to her forehead that was clearly bleeding. Attached to the image there was a message that said:

If you want to see her again; you will get off at the next station and wait for our car, tick tock Mr Bond...

'Shit' he thought to himself, He placed her book back in her bag before grabbing it and rushing back to his compartment. Bond quickly woke Madeleine and informed her that Cassie had been taken. Madeleine quickly dressed while Bond packed the rest of their belongings in a hurry, all the while he kept thinking of Cassie 'I hope she's alright' he thought to himself.

Cassie wasn't sure how long she had been here but she knew some time must've past. She regained consciousness in a dark room, her hands were bound and no matter how many times she tried to wriggle out of them, the knot just felt like it was getting tighter.She noticed that she had a gag in her mouth and it felt like she had a cut on her head 'bastards' she thought to herself. She wasn't sure how much more time had passed but suddenly two men grabbed her and shoved here into a large room where she couldn't hide her shock for here she was; face to face with Franz Oberhauser once more only this time Bond and Madeleine were with him in the room.

Bond looked at her with wide eyes; taking in her appearance as they shoved her into the vacant chair. Her hands were bound behind her back, a gag was in her mouth with a cloth tied up around it to secure it; a dried bloody gash on her forehead, she was't going to fool herself when she thought 'I've had better days.'

"Cassie,Cassie look at me, are you ok? Are you alright?" He said quickly Cassie nodded her head before Oberhauser approached her once more "Ah my dearest Cassandra, we meet again" even his voice made her skin crawl. Oberhauser forced her further into chair that was a few feet away from Bond and Madeleine, Oberhauser rubbed his hands together before chuckling to himself "Now that everyone is here, we can finally begin" He said with much enthusiasm "begin what ?" Bond spat  "You've had your fun Oberhauser, now untie Cassie and let her go" he all but demanded.  Oberhauser tutted to himself "You know James; you really should address me by my true name if you are trying to bargain for your daughter's safety."

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