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A/N: Thank you so much for the continued support for this story, I am beyond overwhelmed, I had no idea that everyone would like this story so I am super thankful.I'm sorry for the lack of updates lately, life got in the way I do not own James Bond in any way, shape or form; I only own Cassie. I have tweaked bits and pieces of spectre here and there to help the story move along a bit better so if it's not exactly like the movie then i apologise.


"Cassie, pack your bags" Q said as he burst into her little cubby hole of an office "We are going on a little trip; strictly off record." Cassie raised her eyebrow, "Aww Q, I had no idea you felt that way" she said with a humor in her tone.
Q rolled his eyes "oh honestly, you get more and more like your father by the day Draco." Cassie smirked at this. "We are going to unofficially help 007." Cassie's ears pricked up as he mentioned this.

"Bond's in trouble? What's happened? How long has he been in trouble?" Q was deliberating which question to answer first. "Now's not the time to ask these questions Draco; come on get your arse in gear, the sooner we are packed the sooner we can help 007, I'll be at your flat to collect you in 2 hours." Cassie nodded her head and rushed back home to her flat, hoping that she didn't bring too much attention to herself on her way out. The last thing she needed was M or hell even that vile C checking up on her.

Something about C gave her the creeps. She had a gut feeling that something wasn't right with him;her grandfather always told her to trust her gut feeling, that they would never steer her the wrong way. After safely making her way home, Cassie packed a backpack with her necessities as well as her mini laptop and charger; which came in handy for her whenever she got into any sticky situations. She had made sure that Q had got rid of all trackers and traces and even went as far as doing a test run on the machine before she had to go away to Portugal.

Q arrived at her flat exactly 30 minutes later in his car, once they were safely inside and driving away did Cassie dare to speak. "So do you have any idea where he is?" Cassie asked trying not to sound worried about her father; Q nodded his head in confirmation "his last known location was Switzerland" he replied keeping his eyes focused on the road. Cassie's eyes widened "Switzerland? What on earth is he doing there? I thought he was unofficially in Rome" Q tutted to himself "oh honestly Draco; you really do ask too many questions sometimes' he said in an exasperated tone before the two fell into a comfortable silence.

The journey to Switzerland went a lot quicker than Cassie had anticipated. In the back of her mind she knew that Bond was perfectly capable of taking care of himself and had got into plenty of scrapes over the years before he even knew of her existence; but she couldn't help but feel like it was her duty to try to help her father in any way possible. She kept thinking on the journey over 'what would mum do in a situation like this?' And she kept coming to the same conclusion; Tracy would've done the exact same thing, she would've come to Bond's aid in a heartbeat.

Cassie was soon bought out of her thoughts when she noticed that Q had got an all too familiar ring out of his pocket which made her eyes widen. "Q, Where the hell did you get that?" She asked in a nervous tone, Q looked up briefly "007 sent it to me to analyse" he replied returning to his computer. The gut feeling Cassie had been feeling a few days prior had returned with a vengeance, something was definitely up, somehow this ring was connected; not only to Bond's unofficial mission but also the mystery surrounding the deaths of her mother and her grandfather. She was starting to feel very very worried.

After barely making it through a tricky situation with two men who had been tailing them for a good two hours (thanks to Q's very quick thinking) the pair finally made it to the rendezvous point where Q had been informed by Bond to meet him. The apartment was empty and while she was waiting Q to get off of the phone to her father; Cassie once again felt a sense of dread loom in the air.

A little while later Q, walked back into the room while disconnecting his phone call "he won't be long, twenty minutes tops" Cassie nodded in appreciation of this information. She hoped that Bond was still in one piece and not injured in any way; another part of her just wanted to get answers from him straight away regarding the ring and what he had discovered while he had been away. 'Q is right' she thought to herself 'I do ask too many questions.'

She wasn't sure how much more time had past; but twenty minutes felt like an eternity and after a very short while the pair heard a loud bang on the door; Cassie held her gun while Q looked through the peephole in the door before breathing a sigh of relief and opening the door; after god knows how many weeks Cassie was standing face to face with her father but he was not alone; stood behind him was a beautiful woman who had a confused look on her face. Bond however had a face of pure thunder "What the hell are you doing here?"

A/N: This Chapter was a bit more easier to write than the previous one. For some reason i really struggled writing the last chapter. I am so happy that you all like the story and i am super grateful to you all for taking the time to read it. It really means a lot me. So question time for you all; Who would you like to see take over the role of James Bond, I'm really intrigued. There have been so many suggestions and the vast majority of them are all equally good in their own right, let me know in the comments, i am really interested to hear. It's always nice to talk about all things Bond related.
Any way i'm going to sign off now and i hope you all have a lovely day.

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