Maddison Quinn

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Hi, I'm Maddison, my friends call me Maddie. I live in Midland, Illinois, with my new family: The Bakers. The Bakers are a family of 14 (not including me): Tom, Kate, Nora, Charlie, Lorraine, Henry, Sarah, Jake, Mark, Kim, Jessica, Mike, Nigel and Kyle. 

Two years ago, my parents were in a car crash on there way to my talent show at school. They didn't make it. My grand-parents hated my parents because they were married too young and put shame on the family names. Once they found out about their deaths, my Mums parents were WAY too old at the time to take care of me and my Dads parents called me a devil child, blamed me for their 'baby boys' death and refused to take me in. I didn't have any Aunts or Uncles, so I had only one other place to go before I would've been taken away by social services, The Bakers!

They were glad to take me in. Once they were told about my 'situation' Kate said, "Any daughter of Dott and Artie is a daughter of mine!" 

I was instantly welcomed with open arms, to their family. And deep down I'm glad that my Grand-parents are evil and heartless, because if they weren't, then I wouldn't have met the Bakers and my best friend Jake Baker. In the beginning Jake was not crazy about me moving in because that meant he would have to give up his own room to share with me because we are the same age. I wasn't too fond of the idea of sharing a room with a boy, but once we actually started to talk a try understand each other, we became inseparable and have been ever since.

I used to sing all the time before my parents, but when they died, on their way to hear me sing, I instantly shut my dream down. I haven't sang a note since. Once I was called a 'Devil child' I came to the conclusion that, Yes it was my fault that they are dead and that if I ever sang again something terrible would happen, so I didn't. 

Most nights I have nightmares about my parents and I used to right about them in my diary. Key words in that sentence was 'used to', soon Lorraine found my diary whilst looking for a shirt I supposedly 'stole' from her, as if. Anyway, that ended up in her telling Kate, who told Tom, which got eavesdropped on by Mike who told everyone else. When everyone found out there was a house meeting, where the kids were told not to talk anymore about it and sent away, I had a massive melt down about Lorraine snooping through my things which resulted in me not talking to her for a week, and then Kate and Tom trying to reassure me that my parents death wasn't my fault and asked if I need to go to therapy for my nightmares, I didn't want a shrink trying to get into my head so I declined the offer and they made me promise to tell them if I ever had a Nightmare or felt like it was my fault. Obviously, I did not keep that promise, but due to the fact that I share  a room with Jake, one night I had a bad nightmare that Jake had to wake me up from because I was thrashing around and woke him up. Ever since that night I would always open up to Jake and only Jake about my nightmares and feelings. And when I had a nightmare Jake would help me get back to sleep but if I can't, then he would stay up and we would watch the sun rise together. As far as anyone else knows, I'm completely fine and as happy as everyone else. 

Of course I'm not as happy as I pretend to be, and I feel bad that I dump my mess of a life and feelings out on Jake, but even if I tried to lie to him about anything he could see through it and would not let it go until I told him. 

I'm as most say, an introvert. I only get along with people I'm close to. Which makes getting new friends VREY difficult. An example of someone I know but am uncomfortable around is in fact Nora's door knob of a boyfriend, Hank. I don't know what it is about him that gives me the creeps, but he just does. He hates me and I hate him. 

Anyway, enough about me....

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