Ch 31

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(Underlined sentence are on comms)

Bill: "McKeyla, McKeyla!"

McKeyla snaps out of her thoughts

Bill: "are you okay?"

McKeyla: "y-yeah i am"

Bill: "are you sure?"

McKeyla: "yes im sure...."

Bill: "do you still ant to go through with this?"

McKeyla: "im more than sure"

She puts her mask on and walks out

(In her mind)
McKeyla: "do i really want to do this if what i saw may happen in the need to kill them- i cant kill my sister, besides I've fallen for Wanda and i cant kill her- im not going to let you do this- ill get help"

She runs throughout of the building

(In her mind)
McKeyla: "if what i saw was correct, scott is up there"

She makes her way up to the building where scott is and stands behind him

Scott: "you would think out of all the places, they wouldn't pick a hank pym tech lab"

Hope: "not the time scott not the time"

McKeyla: "Where is my sister?"

Scott turns around and faces McKeyla

Scott: "oh crap"

McKeyla: "i'm not going to hurt you. where is my sister?"

Scott: "why should i tell you"

McKeyla grabs scott and slams him up against the window

Scott: "oww, what happened to not going to hurt me!"

McKeyla: "tell me where hope is"

Scott: "I'm not going to tell you anything"

She slams him against the window again

Scott: "Seriously what happened to not hurting me"

McKeyla looks out the window and sees a van. She phases through the wall and outside

Hope: "Scott, are you okay?"


Hope: "scott... this isn't good"

McKeyla appears infront of the van

Hope: "McKeyla?"

She gets out of the van

McKeyla: "h-hope i need your"

She falls to the ground

Hope: "M, whats wrong"

McKeyla: "i didnt mean to cause all of this, i-i t-"

She starts to scream in pain. Hope runs over and kneels next to her

Hope: "m, tell me whats going on"

McKeyla: "i-i cant, it wont let me"

Hope takes McKeyla mask off and sees that McKeyla was phasing out of control

Hope: "try to tell me as much as you"

McKeyla: "w-when i was exposed to all of the stuff from the quantum realm, i-"

She groans in pain

Hope: "you what?"

McKeyla: "something happened to me besides me ganning the ability to phase"

Hope: "and that is?"

McKeyla: "t-there are 2 other McKeyla's"

Hope: "what?"

McKeyla: "the quantum particles created two new mes. One being one who wanted revenge and the other being some what of a clone that can separate from me"

Hope: "meaning?"

McKeyla: "a clone. It wont talk unless told it wount do anything unless told and that it can only be controlled me, but not the actual me. The one full of revenge me. 95% of the time i dont have control of my own body and its been like that since the experiment went wrong. I just want to be normal again. Im sorry for everying just please, please help me"

Hope nods

Hope: "i will"

She helps McKeyla up

McKeyla: "if the other me starts to take over my body again which i feel they are, do anything i don't care"

Hope nods

Hope: "scott, meet back at the van we need to get out of here"

Scott: "what why?"

Hope; "just do it"

Scott: "okay I'm coming"

A few minutes kater scott gets to the van

He opens the door

Scott: "what is she doing in here?"

He points to McKeyla

Hope: "not important"

Scott: "what do you mean not important!?!"

Hope: "she needs our help so we are taking her to the compound"

Scott: "you cant be serious hope. She has tried to kill us multiple times. Besides 5 minutes ago she slammed me up against a window twice"

Hope: "i know but i belive her, shes my little sister"

Scott: "who has tried to kill you multiple times"

Hope: "Scott i belive her adn im taking her back to the compound"

Scott: "i dont know about this"

McKeyla: "you do relaize im right here, right"

Scott sighs

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