Ch 13

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Who knows how long after, McKeyla wakes up

McKeyla: "w-where am i?"

She looks around the room. It was all dark colors, a lot of grays and blues. There were no windows but one which was covered by bars, looked to be bullet proof. The window faced other cells in wherever she was. McKeyla tried moving but was in a restraint jack with what seemed to be a shock collar around her neck. McKeyla was phasing but not as much

A voice speaks up from the opposite sife of the window

??: "good you are finally awake"

McKeyla looks up and sees a group of people

In that gorup was hope, hank, and jannet along with some others. McKeyla doesnt say anything. She just stares at the wall across from her.

??: "well mr, mrs,  and ms Van Dyne, she will be here for a while and won't be able to hurt you"

Hank: "do you know if the treatment worked?"

??: "yes it did, she can still phase but not like before, its controllable. Now if you come with we have some more to discuss"

They walk away leaving McKeyla in the cell

McKeyla sighs

McKeyla: "i wish i can just end my life right now instead of being in this sh*t hole"

What seemed to be a couple hours later

McKeyla is starring at the wall when she hears footsteps approaching her cell. She looks up and sees wanda

McKeyla: "what are you doing here?"

Wanda: "i came to see you"

McKeyla: "why would you want to see me?"

Wanda: "because you are my friend and-"

McKeyla: "you still consider me your friend even after  i tried killin you at least 2 times. You now know who i really am. What makes me your friend?"

Wanda: "because you're human, we all make mistakes"

McKeyla: "well trying to kill my sister and parents, i wouldn't call that a mistake"

Wanda: "either way you are human, we do things we regret all the time"

McKeyla: "and what if I say I didn't regret trying to kill them... would that still make me human or a monster? Tell me Wanda"

Wanda: "you're not a monster McKeyla, and no one is perfect"

McKeyla:" and how would you know that Wanda, your perfect, you an avenger. You have a perfect life compared to mine, you-"

Wanda: "well you don't  know my whole story McKeyla"

McKeyla rolls her eyes at Wanda's comment

McKeyla: "you haven't been in a situation like I have so just don't"

Wanda: "actually I have"

McKeyla: "and that is?"

Wanda: "i did something similar a couple of years back, you see when I was 10 my parents were killed by tony's weapons. Years later,  My twin brother and I wanted revenge so we teamed up with this killer robot. Along the way, we hurt many people, and halfway through we realized what we were doing was wrong"

McKeyla: "well you wanted revenge for someone killing your parents, I wanted revenge on my parents and sister. Also, you and you're other realized what you were doing was wrong and stopped, I just continued"

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