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An hour later

McKeyla is pacing back and forth in her cell

McKeyla: "if you do this you can redeem yourself. NO! They hurt me all those years back. But I can finally be sisters with Hope like I always wanted. No. They ignored you for all those years. They aren't going to want me."

McKeyla slides down the wall with her face in her hands and her knees to her chest

McKeyla: "just stop... stop stop stop"

at the avengers compound

Hope: "what's going on?"

Bruce: "one of the doctors from the raft just sent me this video"

He projects and plays the video


McKeyla: "if you do this you can redeem yourself. NO! They hurt me all those years back. But I can finally be sisters with Hope like I always wanted. No. They ignored you for all those years. They aren't going to want me."

(video ends)

Hope: "what's wrong with McKeyla and why was she switching personalities within seconds?"

Bruce: "I'm not completely sure what's going on but I have an idea."

Hope: "what is it?"

Bruce: "we know when your sister absorbed all that quantum energy and particles, it  messed with her body causing her to phase"

Hope: "yeah"

Bruce: "she also said it messed with her mind. That she would think to do something but the complete opposite would happen. I think all that quantum particles messed with her causing her to have Dissociative identity disorder or split personality disorder"

Hope: "how can you tell?"

Bruce: "if we go back to the video"

He plays it again

Bruce: "she changed moods within a blink of an eye and what she is saying. It sounds like she's having a conversation with someone else"

Hope: "is there any way to test if she actually has it?"

Bruce: "yeah but we would have to bring her here and she doesn't want to leave the raft"

Hope: "well we can try?"

Bruce: "how"

3 days later

Guard: "van dyne"

McKeyla: "SHUT UP"

Guard: "it's breakfast move it"

McKeyla: "not hungry"

Guard: "okay then you won't eat"

McKeyla: "I'm fine with that"

She lays back down on the bed

10 minutes later

Guard: "McKeyla"

McKeyla: "what"

guard: "you have a visitor"

She gets up from her bed and looks at the window to see who the visitor was

McKeyla: "hope?"

Hope: "hey M. How are you doing"

she smiles 

McKeyla: "I'm doing o- doesn't matter just leave me alone. Why are you even here?"

as McKeyla spoke, she had an annoyed tone in her voice 

Hope: "I came because we are taking you to the avengers compound"

McKeyla: "and why should I go with you, I may get closer to succeeding in killing you. So why would you want me?"

Hope: "because we need help and you need help"

McKeyla: "me need help"

She laughs

McKeyla: "please. If you and I were the last people on earth I would let myself die than asking you for help"

Hope: "well they are releasing you on Friday if you want to come. If you want to help us great. You can help us and get rewarded. if you don't. You stay here until your life ends. Your choice

Hope leaves

McKeyla: "you stay here until your life ends. Your choice blah blah blah blah blah. like I would help their team of so-called heroes. more like a team of animals. i agree on that one" 

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