Ch 10

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McKeyla: "yes they are just like I expected"

Bill walks out

Hank: "BILL!?"

Hope:" who the hell are you and how do you know him?"

McKeyla: "well you see dearest Hope, Bill was a friend of hank's... when I was 10, and desperate for my parent's attention i took risks, I built the quantum teleportation device... it blew up shortly after I powered it on-"

Hank: "How did you build it?"

McKeyla: "you see hank. If you were to have acknowledged my grades when I was younger, you would have known how great I was in school, I was at the top of the class, learning high school material as a 5th grader. I was gifted, smarter than almost every high schooler and I was barely 10 years old... that's how I was able to build it... after the teleportation device exploded, my body absorbed all the quantum energy the teleportation device released. That's why I look like this. A monster as some people would say, a ghost as the avengers would call me... but others call it molecular disequilibrium, a rather dull name I think. doesn't quite do justice to what it means... every cell in my body is torn apart, and stitched back together, over and over. every single day, every second of the day."

Bill: "I was still at S.H.I.E.L.D. when I got a call about a quantum anomaly just outside the city you lived in"

McKeyla: "dr foster did his best to keep me safe, but others at S.H.I.E.L.D. saw an opportunity in my affliction...they built me a containment suit so I could supposedly control my phasing, they trained me to be a stealth operative. They weaponized me... I stole for them, spied for them, killed for them, and as an exachange for my soul, they were going to cure me... they lied...they were hydra, they only wanted me as a weapon and nothing more"

Bill: "when S.H.I.E.L.D. collapsed I look McKeyla in. I did everything to help slow the decay, but her condition worsened. I upgraded her suit, built her a chamber to help the decay, created a watch that helped let her live a normal life for an hour but nothing helped..."

Hank: "if you were so smart McKeyla why didn't you make anything?"

McKeyla: "you don't think I tried, every day I tried building but my phasing not only affected my body but my mind as well. I picked up on things slower than usual and when I tried building things, that's a whole nother story..."

Hope: "and that is?"

McKeyla: "certain actions I do cause my phasing to go out of control, I couldn't even do the simplest thing such as picking up a pen or brushing my teeth"

Scott: "How did you know we were coming"

McKeyla:" simple... I'm always 10 steps ahead of you and your avengers' club. The day you all created a plan of having the swaneye pretend to be hank, I was there. I heard the whole plan, about him pretending to be my father, the positions, t-"

Hope: "to us saying we were going to hack into your suit and track it when you were there at the auditorium" 

McKeyla: "bingo. Does the golden child want a gold star because she figured it out"

Scott: "So you went along with our plan but in reality, you were the one in control of it all along"

McKeyla: "bingo. We need another golden star... I always watched over you Hope, I always had an eye on you after we reunited unexpectedly in that building when I was retrieving the batteries for bill"

Hank: "McKeyla I want to help"

Bill: "she doesn't need your help I-"

McKeyla puts her hand out signaling for Bill to stop talking

McKeyla: "are you just saying that because you want to be a father again or because you don't want to get killed..."

Hank doesn't say anything

McKeyla: "thought so. I know how to fix this, all I need is Pym particles, and now that I have you here, I have just enough... you were wondering where mom was right, well let's just say she's busy redoing part of the blueprints for the quantum teleportation device. After she finishes that and we finish the device, she's going to take a nice trip to the quantum realm to get what I need. Then once I retrieve what I need front eh quantum realm, she going to take a nice long vacation down there"

Hope:" WHAT?!"

Hank: "that can kill her!"

McKeyla frowns

McKeyla: "aww boohoo suck it up. I would stay quiet if I were you, just to be safe"

Hank: "why?"

Bill: "because she will try to kill you, I told her that she couldn't do that because we may need you"

He turned to Hope

Bill: "you got lucky, I had a hard time talking her out of killing you, the next moment she saw you"

Hope looked at McKeyla who was grinning

Bill: "well we need to head out, and you three will stay here just in case we need your help"

Hank: "like hell, i would help you both"

McKeyla: "you'll do whatever I say"


McKeyla phases in front of Hank

McKeyla: "I would be more worried about yourself right now Hank"


Hank groans

Hope: "Dad?"

Bill: "calm down Hank"

Hank struggles to get words out

Hank: "so help me g-god... the pills"

Hope: "it's his heart! He needs his pills! Please, dr foster, there in the tin. Please"

McKeyla looks at bill who was looking at hank


Scott: "HELP HIM!"

Hope: "dad just hang on, just keep breathing. Stay calm"


Hope: "the Altoids tin"

Bill walks over to the table where he placed all of Hope, Hank, and Scott's belongings. He grabs the tin and starts walking towards hank. He is about to open the tin


Before she could finish, bill opened the tin and out flew 8 giant ants, they knocked McKeyla to the ground surrounding her. An ant clips the rope that had hank hope and Scott tied to the chairs while the other surrounded McKeyla and bill. McKeyla phased behind the ants. As she did that Hope blasted her and McKeyla partially felt pain from it

McKeyla: "AH!"

She falls to the ground

Hope: "let's GO"

They get out and head back to the compound

Bill: "McKeyla! Are you okay?!"

He helps her up and she shakes her head. McKeyla was gasping for air

McKeyla: i-its getting worse

She gasps for air again

McKeyla: "it's hurting... we need to get to the lab- we need. to get to the lab and fix this now"

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