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An hour later

McKeyla: "how you both doing in here?"

Hope: "McKeyla why are you doing this, I thought-"

McKeyla: "you thought I forgave you?"

She laughs

McKeyla: "you believed that. News flash that was all an act"

Wanda: "McKeyla just let us go, please"

McKeyla: "mmm no I don't think so"

She laughs

Hope: "McKeyla what do you want with us?"

McKeyla: "why would I tell you, that takes all the fun out of it. Until then I have other things to do

McKeyla starts to walk away

Hope: "what happened to the little sister I knew?"

McKeyla stops walking, still facing away from Wanda, and hope

McKeyla: "what little sister, you never acknowledged me"

Hope: "what happened to the little sister who loved reading, who loved drawing things around the house, who loved learning what mom and dad were making, who always wanted to play hide and seek and would always ask me"

McKeyla: "i-i"

Hope: "who would do anything to get my attention and our parents' attention, who was determined to do everything and anything.... Please m, I know I wasn't the best big sister to you when we were little but I want to make it up. I just want my little sister. I missed you every day when you ran away; I was so happy when I found you again. I didn't care about what you did, i was just happy I found my little sister again"

McKeyla: "i-i umm. I want- no. just shut up before you say something you will regret"

She storms out

Hope: "wanda you saw that right"

Wanda: "yeah I did"

Hope: "something is going on with her, but i don't know what it is"

Later on

A.I: "the Avengers are on their way, they found the location"

McKeyla: "bring up the quinjets system on the table"

The quinjet system appears

McKeyla: "add virus ab85 into the system, that should give is at least another 2 days"

A.I: "of course"

McKeyla pulls out her laptop and starts working on something

An hour later

A.I: "Y2B has alerted me. The two hostages are acting up"

McKeyla gets up and walks over

McKeyla: "what are you two doing now?"

Wanda: "McKeyla we need to talk"

McKeyla: "talk about what?"

Wanda: "tell us why are you doing all this, that's all we want to know then we will leave you alone"

McKeyla: "i guess i can tell you since you both will be dead soon"

Hope: "what!"

Wanda: "what!"

McKeyla explains everything

Wanda: "McKeyla we swear if you let us go we can make it up to you just please, please don't do that"

McKeyla: "well it's to late for that"

She walks out 

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