Imagine Twenty Five - Nightmares

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You wake up, tossing and turning in your bed.

It's the middle of the night so you have no hope of finding your roommate, Roger, awake.

But you get up and slowly walk towards his room.

You silently open the door, the movement waking him up.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at you.

"Sorry to wake you."
"You're ok love. Nightmares again?"
"Come here." He says opening the blanket for you to sit with him.

You closed the door behind you and crawled into his bed.

You sat, sank in his lap, resting your head on his chest.

He propped his knee up to support you, and began to play with your hair.

"You'll be ok Y/n."
"Thanks Rog. I feel safer with you anyway."

He Smiled down at you.

"I'm tired. Can we go to sleep?" You asked.
"Yes love of course."

You shifted yourself to lie down, your back turned to him.

He did the same, but he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into his chest.

He then kissed your cheek, tenderly, as if he was asking for more.

So you kissed his lips, pulling his head closer to yours.

But to your susprise, he stopped and said, "You need to sleep my love."

And he kissed your cheek again, propping his head on the pillow.

You placed your head in the crease of his neck as he pulled your arm and leg across him.

He kissed the top of your head and beagn to play with your hair again.

"Night my love." He whispered.
"Goodnight Rog."

Roger Taylor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now