Imagine Twenty Two - Cuddles

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You're standing in the kitchen cooking dinner when you hear the front door open.

"I'm home?!" He shouts.
"Hi Love I'm in the kitchen."

"You ok my love?" He asks walking over to you and hugging you from behind.

"I am now. How are you?"

He kisses your cheek, and reply,
"Never been better."

You turn yourself around and kiss him.

Then you let go.

"Do you want a cup of tea?"
"No thanks love I'm ok." He replys walking back into the living room.

He sits down on a chair and turns the television on.

"Yes love?"
"Come here."

You walk into the living room, and he opens his arms out for you.

You walk over to him, and he pulls you onto his lap.

He kisses your neck and wrapps his arms around your waist hugging you tightly.

You push yourself up a little, so you could play with his hair.

And you run your fingers through his hair.

When you looked down at him, his eyelashes flutterd above his crystal eyes.

"I love you." You say.
"I love you to."
"What did you get up to today?"
"Nothing much. We recorded a song then I came home to you."

You smiled and kissed him.

"What were you cooking?"
"Oh just some vegetables and chicken."
"Do you want me to help you?"
"No your ok."
"Are you sure, I can finish it of for you."
"Roger it's ok, I've nearly finished anyway."

He looked at you pulling a almost concerned look.

So you kissed him again.

"Scrap dinner. Go straight upstairs?"
He says jokingly.
You playfully hit his arm and get up to finish dinner.

"Come back here." He says as you leave.
"I have to finish dinner."
"Fine then." He says following you.

"Please let me help." He says pulling you into his arms.
"There isn't anything for you to do."
"I can dish it out."
"If you really want to."

He kisses you then pulls the plates out from the cupboard and places them in the side.

"How long is left?" He asks pulling you back into his arms.
"About 20 minutes."
"Ok now you can rest."
"I've hardy done anything I don't need to rest."
"Oh yes you do. Now go and put some pyjamas on or something."
"Ok love."

As you go to walk away, he pulls you back and kisses you.

"Now you can go."

You chuckle and walk away.

When you come back, in your pyjamas, he has set the table and the dinner is ready.
He had also gotten into pyjamas (which was just checkered bottoms and no shirt)

"Roger you're so adorable." You say kissing his cheek.
"I know." He said jokingly.

You both sat down and ate, talking about your day.

Once you'd finished, he put the plates in the dishwasher and then said, "Now can we go upstairs?"
"Yes love."

He chuckled and turned the lights of following you up the stairs.

You brushed your teeth and closed all the blinds.

He Was first to get into bed, and you followed, lying on his chest.

"Thanks for dinner." He says kissing your forehead.
"No thank you."
He chuckled as you kissed his cheek.

He pulled you further to his head and wrapped his arms around you.

"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you more gorgeous."
He chuckled again.

You kissed his chest, then you soon fell asleep to him playing with your hair.

Roger Taylor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now