Imagine Twelve - In My Arms

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An - This One Involves Blood/Death
But It's Still Wholesome In Some Ways

"Roger stay with me please." You say hearing the echo of your voice around the room.
You pressed your hand against his stomach to prevent any more blood from escaping.

The frustration in your face made effect to the shimmer of fear in his.

"Never thought you'd be in this situation huh." He says raspily, trying to conceal the fear he felt.

"You can't leave me." You continue. "Please. Just hold on, help is coming."

He groaned in pain, grimacing as he lifted his head to look at the blood that endlessly bloomed from under your hand.

"You've done enough sweetheart. Time to let go."
You cried into his shoulder.
"You promised me you'd never leave."

He smiles and pressed a tender palm against your hair tentatively.

"I love you." You whisper to him.
He coughs slightly; blood drooling from his kissable lips.

"Y/n don't say that." He whispers back. "You'll make me regret leaving this world."

And within those words, his heart slowly yet surley beated for the last time.

Roger Taylor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now