Imagine Eight - Your Pregnancy Pt.3

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Lying in a hospital bed pushing out a child isn't exactly the most delightful experience.

But when the midwife placed your daughter on your chest, the pain went away.

Roger rested his head on your shoulder analysing his daughter.
He had tears in his eyes, which you did to.

"I can't believe she's finally here." You whispered.
"I know love. She's beautiful."He said kissing your cheek.
"She is. Just like her dad."
"Yep." He replied full of ego yet he was laughing.

You kissed him and then the doctor took her away to weigh her, clean her etc.

When she was handed back to you, you immediately placed her into Rogers arms.
He was crying again and she had held onto his finger.

The smile on his face was priceless, walking around the room, shirtless, whislt in awe of his child.

"What do we name her?" You asked as he sat down beside you not taking his eyes off of her.
"I don't know love. What we're you thinking?"
You rested your head on the side of his arm.
"I liked the name Maria or Ellie. What about you?"
"I thought of Evie or Lily."
"I like Lily."
"Lily Taylor it is."
"It's cute. I love you Roger."
"I love you too."

He kissed you softly and you spent the rest of the evening admiring your daughter beside the man you loved more than life itself.

Roger Taylor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now