Imagine Two - My Love

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"Hi my love." Roger said walking through the front door kissing you.

You were sat under a blanket watching the television.

"Hi love, how was rehearsal."
"It was good. I missed you though."
You kissed him back.

He lifted your feet up and rested them on his lap.

"You look tired."
"I am my love, but this is nice."
"Come here." You say opening your arms out.

He moved himself to rest on your chest.
You took his sunglasses of and placed them onto the table.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you more. Shall we go to bed?"
"Ok love."
He took your hand and you went upstairs, turning the TV off.

You put your pajamas on and when he got into bed, he pulled you into his arms.
"My love?"
"Yeah gorgeous." You say kissing his cheek.
He looked deep into your eyes and whispered in your ear, "I love you."

"I love you too."
He kissed you, then you rested your head in his neck and wrapped your arm around his chest.
You kissed his neck and so he chuckled caressing your arm gently.

You were asleep within seconds.

Roger Taylor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now