Chapter 18

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   42 years ago in the smallest village in Cordoba, Ash and her twin sister Aashna were playing in the brook half a mile away from the village.

"This is fun!" Aashna squealed as she splashed her sister with water.  

"Got you! Ha ha ha!"

Ash smirked. "Oh, yeah? How about- NOW!!" She jumped as high as she could causing a lot of water to splash on both of them.  They both giggled.

"Oh, wow.  It's getting dark."  Aashna remarked as she looked up at the sky.  "We better head back before mami and papi start to worry." 

Ash nodded.  "Okay.  I hope mami likes these shells.  I think they're really cute." she smiled.

Aashna beamed. "I'm sure she will.  Now, let's go!" she exclaimed.  The two girls ran up the little hill that led towards the village.  

"Hey, Ash.  I'll race you!" 

"Okay, you're on!"

Suddenly, Aashna pushed her sister down.  She didn't stop to look back, she just kept on running.  Ash grumbled to herself.

"Ugh!  Come on, that's not fair." she complained.  She tried to get up, but she found it hard so she held onto a tree and caught her balance.

"Phew!" she sighed with relief. 

"Mean sister, isn't she?" a sneaky voice replied behind her.

"Um, what?" she replied as she turned around. She gasped.

Behind her stood a bird like figure.  It was a very short man, he had feathers all over his back but they were gray. His face looked hawk-like.  He was smirking.  Ash thought he was pretty ugly.

"What in the world are you?" she asked with a disgusted look on her face. The figure smiled, but it was a very unpleasant smile.

"I am Zopilote.  And I am the most powerful malvago in the land.  Perhaps you've heard of me?" he asked.  Ash shook her head. 

"Um, no.  What even is a malvago?" she asked.  Zopilote bends down next to her. 

"A dark wizard.  For your information, I could teach you some magic to get back at your sister." he jeered.

Ash frowned. "I dunno. Isn't dark magic bad?" she asked. Zopilote shrugged.

"It depends on how you look at it, my dear. But I certainly do not do bad magic." he lied.

Ash thought for a minute. "Oh, um, okay. Let's do it." she agreed. Zopilote smirked.

"Wonderful, wonderful." he murmured.

"Oh, wait!" Ash began as she walked over to a small hole and reached inside. "I forgot Rosie and Mariana." she was referring to her two pet mice. She pulled them out and held them in her hands.

     Zopilote sighed. "Oh, my gosh. If you must. But you will have to give me your precious pets, I'm afraid. I need some sort of payment, my dear." he lied. He was trying to trick her, obviously, but she had no idea.

Ash frowned again. "Um, I don't know. Is it okay with you, Mariana?" she asked the white mouse.


"Okay, I guess it's fine-"

Zopilote then snatched the two mice from Ash's hands. He put them in his pocket and smirked.

"Well, now. Let's begin, shall we?" he sneered. A small tear came out of Ash's left eye.

"A-alright, whatever you say." she gulped. The two headed towards the small woods, never knowing how this would change both of their futures and the kingdoms. 

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