Chapter 11

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   Back at the palace everything was a mini chaos because of the fire.  The only people who were relaxed-ish were Rebecca, Valentina and Chloe.  They just stayed in Elena's room and painted each others nails.

 "Hmm... purple or magenta?" Valentina asked as she held up two bottles of nail polish.

   Rebecca shrugged.  "Doesn't matter to me.  They look exactly the same."  As you can probably tell, Rebecca doesn't care about beauty or makeup that much.  She's the exact opposite of Valentina.

"Wha- they're so different!  I think I'll go with magenta.  It brightens up my dress."  

"Okaay.  I dunno what I should do.  Maybe just white nails."  Chloe held up her hands and shrugged. 

Rebecca smiled.  "You look great either way, Chloe.  Do whatever you feel like."

Chloe shuddered. "B-but, Marzel doesn't-" she began, but stoped herself just in time.

"Marzel?  The sirena?!" Valentina squealed.  "You have a crush!" 

Rebecca giggled.  "Ooh!  I don't know who he is, but yesss!"

Chloe sighed.  "Okay, fine I like him.  But  it's against Norberg's law for me to marry a non-human."

Rebecca frowned.  "I hate royal laws.  They make no sense sometimes."

Valentina nodded.  "She is so right!  Chloe, go for it!  Tell him tonight." 

Chloe jumped. "Ohh no!  I don't think so." she fretted.  

She walked towards the balcony. "Boy, it's dark out there." she pointed out.

The other two princesses walked over too.

"Yeah, it is.  I hope Ari and the others get here alright."  Rebecca frowned as she looked over towards the harbor.  The sky was grey and the air was hot and humid.  There were several dark looking clouds.  Fortunately, the smoke was all gone from Mateo's house. 

     "They should.  They're staying at some hotel in the Villa Mercado right?" Valentina asked. Rebecca nodded.  "Oh yeah!" she laughed in spite of herself.

  Chloe turned around to face the girls.  "Y'know, I hope tonight Gabe pops the question to Elena." she announced casually.

 The other girls gasped.  "WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?!" They squealed in happiness and surprise. 

 Chloe nodded.  "He told me the other day. 'I am going to ask Elena to marry me at her coronation'." 

Valentina cried. "She's getting married!  Oh my gosh!" she sniffed and pulled out a tissue.

Rebecca patted her on the back.  "Aww.  I can't believe it.  Four years now, hasn't it?" She was referring to how long Gabe and Elena knew each other. 

Valentina nodded.  "FOUR YEARS!" she cried and sobbed some more into her handkerchief. 

Chloe walked back over to the little lounge area and sat down on the couch.  "I hope she says yes." 

Valentina gaped at Chloe. "She is definitely going to say yes, she loves Gabe and he loves her." 

Rebecca frowned. "There's more to it than that, Val." she sat down next to Chloe. "What about the royal law?"  Valentina walked over to the girls and sighed.

"Maybe Elena should know." Rebecca suggested.  

"NO! NO, THAT WON'T WORK!  GABE HAS BEEN PLANNING FOR, how many months Chloe?" Valentina asked.  Chloe held up seven fingers because she was too afraid to speak.


Rebecca shrugged.  "Sorry, Val.  Okay, we don't have to tell him.  Maybe we can tell Luisa?  She'll know what to do."  The other two girls nodded.  

"That is a great idea, Rebecca." Chloe smiled. "Let's go tell her now." 

And the three princesses set off to find Luisa. 

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