Chapter 12

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Back in the woods near Mateo's house,  Esteban (Mateo) was trying to figure out how to make a potion that could change his voice.

 "This one?  No, no, no."

 "Relax.  I'll find it."  Ash said as she walked over to a little shelf they made that had several bottles on it.  It must have came from the ship.  

 "Okay, you know I am getting really tired of just sitting here."  Chatana interjected. 

 Esteban rolled his eyes. "Me too.  Ash I am serious, we need to do it tonight."

 Ash grabbed a bottle of blue liquid and shoved it into Esteban's chest. 

 "Oof." Esteban groaned.  Ash smirked.  Yes, she's that way sometimes.  Okay, maybe all the time, but that's not the point. 

 "You're right.  Tonight is the night, okay?  Esteban, you're posing as the wizard that my daughter fancies for, I think you can kill Carla and find the spell book.  But you must do it fast.  Okay?"  Ash replied.  

   Okay,  I am not killing Carla, she's going to have some dramatic thing happen but she won't die because Esteban wouldn't think of killing anybody purposly.  I will not say what happens to her, because I don't spoil things.   Back to the story. 

 "K-kill your own daughter?  You can't be seriou-"  Esteban began but Ash shushed him. 

 "I do not care." she enunciated. "She's not even my daughter." 

  WAIT HOLD UP!  You heard right. 

  "Wait a minute,"  Chatana got up from the log and crossed her arms.  "What do you mean 'she's not even my daughter'?" she asked bewildered. 

 Ash nodded.  "Oh, yeah.  Wanna hear the story?" she sneered.  Chatana and Esteban nodded and both sat down on the log.

    "Alright, so about, hmm, 42 years ago my twin sister married Victor."  she began.  Esteban held up his hand.

   "Wait, TWIN SISTER?! You never mentioned that!"  he gasped.  Ash shrugged.

 "Never got around to it.  Anyway,  she left one day about 8 years ago to become a wizard.  I, of course already knew how.  I really wanted a family of my own, so I found her on the road one day and knocked her out and I pretended to be her.  Sure, It meant doing magic again for 8 years, but I got over it and eventually tracked Victor and Carla down.  Posing as my sister was hard, but I managed." THAT PLOT TWIST-

  The other two were amazed.  

"Where is your sister now?"  Chatana asked.  Ash shrugged.  

"Somewhere in the jaquin realm.  I do not know.  I heard she got killed in an accident, but it was a lie of course."  

Esteban was shocked.  "Wow, how on earth did they not find out?  And, um, by the way, what's up with the hair?  Why did it turn white?" he asked.  Had to, guys.  Just had to make fun of old lady Ash.

 Ash looked offended but sighed.  "Oh, just magic.  I'm not old, I'm fifty four and I look half my age, don't I?"  she lied.  GURLL U LOOK 87.

 Chatana stiffled a snigger.  "Um, sure you do!"  

Suddenly, they all heard russeling in the trees.

"Quick!" Ash began in a hoarse whisper. "Go, go, go!" 

They hid behind a thick tree.

"What in the world?" A voice began.  That was Carla.  She figured Mateo was in trouble because he had been gone for the longest time, so she went to check on him." 

Ash whispered to Esteban. "Go! Drink the potion and then go up to her.  Make love or something." she pushed him in front of her "daughter". 

"Oh, Mateo I was so worried!" Carla gasped when she saw "Mateo". 

 "Yeah, I am fine.  Listen, go back to the palace.  I'll meet you there." he replied.

Carla shrugged. "Okay, bye." and she walked off. 

Ash groaned.  "You idiot!  You were supposed to go with her." 

Esteban sighed.  "I can't kill her. I'm sorry."  And he grabbed her bottle for the reversal potion and dropped some of it on his head.

Ash stomped her foot.  "I can not believe you!  Of all the insane notions!  I will have to do this myself." 

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