Chapter 6

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Hey guys! I hope you're all doing great today :) anyway, i looked at some suggestions for my next chapter and I decided to do some! My cousin suggested some really good things too, as well as my irl best friend! I hope you'll enjoy this chapter, and again feel free to suggest ideas! I almost always answer if I'm not busy :) This chapter is mainly about Ash, Chatana and Esteban (requested) and I really wished they had a little more time in "Coronation Day" also, just like Victor and Carla. So I'll be doing more with all of them, and maybe even some other exciting stuff! My cousin helped me write parts because I had no ideas what to do with the villains for this part anyway. I AM SO STUPID HELP

But I love to write! Literature is my best subject, and I love sharing my stories with my cousin and my friends! It's kind of a stress reliever for me. And Eoa is my favorite show EVER. I'm not joking. I've watched all the seasons more than once, and I always watched S3 episodes on Sunday when they aired. That's enough info lol... back to the story!

After everything at the palace had been settled. Elena had decided to go on a jaquin ride, she didn't tell anybody because they would have told her it was too dangerous. But she didn't care. She had her scepter and Skylar. That was enough. Besides, she thought, they won't be here right now.

Elena and Skylar were flying over the Avalor Harbor when suddenly Elena had an idea.

"Hey! How about we go to Quita Moz?" she suggested. "I am almost 100% positive he can help us locate Ash and Esteban!" she said confidently. Skylar shrugged. "Why not, Princesa? I could use the exercise anyway." he replied. Elena giggled.

"Oh, Skylar. What would I do without you?" she smiled. Skylar nodded proudly.

"That's what I'm here for! Or, well what Migs said anyway." he replied honestly.

"I don't even know what Migs is concerned about- I'm a good jaquin, and I am good at protecting my Princesa at any-" Skylar started. Unfortunately before he could finish boasting, a giant magic blue wave hit them as they were flying. Which caused Skylar to twirl around.

"Woah!" he exclaimed. "What on earth was that?!" The good thing was, they were both safe.

Elena glared at the harbor. "I have a feeling I know what that was. And who did it." she replied gravely.

Skylar was confused. He flew faster toward the mountains. "What, Princesa?" he asked.

Elena sighed. "My cousin... and Ash." she huffed.

"Oooh...." he replied as if the news hurt. "Sorry, I forgot about... um, you know what..." he replied.

Elena nodded sadly. "It's fine, Skylar. I don't blame you." she said earnestly.

Elena was correct. Both of her guesses were exact. Apparently Ash and Esteban were down in a boat close to the harbor. Chatana was in the bottom of the boat.

"Hahaha!" Ash snickered. Esteban looked doubtful. "I am so tired of that princess and her jaquin." Ash sassed to Esteban. Esteban shrugged. "I guess I am too." he replied. Ash rolled her eyes.

"Not this again! I am sick and tired of you and your little excuses!" she jeered.

Esteban sighed.

"It's not that-" he hesitated. Ash crossed her arms and watched him.

"Well?" she asked impatiently.

"Its, uh, well, do you think we'll be able to strike tonight?" he queried.

Ash nodded. "Quite possibly. I don't know when Chatana will be finished with the potion. But she told me tonight it could work."

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