Chapter XV

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Izabel’s POV-

 Was I mad? Yes. Why? Because I’m used to being in control and this situation wasn’t even in my hands to begin with. Now it was spiraling beyond my reach. My sister was alive. Those people had taken her in. It made me believe that they were good people, innocent people and the Governor was planning on destroying them. I overheard his plans. He was going to kill them all and let the walkers move back in. I couldn’t stand by and watch while that happened but I couldn’t openly defy the Governor without getting myself killed. The frustration in me was building.

Shakira could sense my agitation and she was pacing the floor while stared angrily at the door. She would growl at every little sound. I couldn’t help them because I didn’t know where they were and I don’t think either Glenn or Maggie would tell me. I stood up and started pacing with the wolf. I ran my hands through my hair and growled in frustration. Without thinking, my hand flew towards the wall where a hole was left in the drywall. Why couldn’t I do anything? I cursed when I looked down at my hand and saw it bleeding. But the pain was welcome. It gave me something else to concentrate on. I went to the kitchen and ran some water over my knuckles. The one thing the Governor did right. I didn’t bother with a bandage. If it was going to bleed, it was going to bleed. I didn’t really care.

I opened the door and said, “Shakira, come,” before slamming it. The people on the street closest to me looked at me and then at Shakira warily. I made my way to where they were holding them. The guard was still there. He asked, “Back for more fun?”

I raised an eyebrow. “I don’t particularly like beating up people that can’t fight back. You offering to give me some entertainment?”

He shook his head and said, “You belong in the fights with your psycho boyfriend.”

“Not boyfriend. More like boy with benefits. Can’t say we’re friends.”

He smirked. “I say once again, you two are just too perfect for each other. You grow up in some Podunk town?”

“Nope, New York City, the dark side.”

“Now you sound like somebody off of Star Wars.”

I shrugged. “I’m gonna go let Shakira have a little fun.”

He looked at the wolf at my side. “We want to keep ‘em alive for now. The Governor hasn’t got what he wants out of them yet.”


I passed through the door with Shakira at my heels. I shut the door a little easier than I did my door. Glenn didn’t look any better than the last time I’d seen him, but he didn’t look any worse. His eyes immediately snapped open. He asked through his swollen lips, “What do you want?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. I wasn’t in the mood for his suspicion no matter how much it was called for. I walked over to him and grabbed the extra chair. I turned it so that I was straddling it when I sat down. I put my hand down and Shakira nuzzled it. That finally brought his attention to her. I smiled coldly. “Isn’t she something? She can rip a person’s throat out in seconds. Kept me alive more than once.”

“What’s she doing here?”

“She goes almost everywhere with me. Last time I was here was an exception. So, you wanna tell me where Celeste is?”

All I got in response was a glare. I glared back in response. I said, “I want my sister.”

“And Merle wants his brother.”

“Screw Merle! I want my sister!”

Did I mention frustration pushed me to the edge of being unstable just like anger did? His eyes, or eye the other was still swollen shut, slightly widened at my outburst. I leaned forward and he leaned away the best he could. I whispered, “I can help you. You tell me where they are and I’ll find them. I’ll help them get you out.”

“Why should I believe you?”

“You shouldn’t but do you really have any other option? Who else knows this place better than a person from here? I can help them get across the wall.”

“If I tell you, you’ll tell them.”

“No, I won’t. You see, the Governor has plans for your little group. He’s going to try to use Daryl as an inside man, a spy. Now I don’t know Daryl, but if he’s anything like Merle, he won’t think twice about doing it. If he finds your group, he’s going to kill them all and let the walkers move back in, no one the wiser. If I told him where they were, that means my sister would die. I didn’t just learn about her being alive to turn her over to a man that wouldn’t hesitate to kill her, has plans to kill her.”

“Why are you whispering?”

I laughed. After everything I just told him, he wanted to know why I was whispering. At least he whispered when he asked. I said, “Because these walls are thin and there’s a guard outside the door. Now, are you going to tell me where they’re at?

He was quiet for what seemed like hours. I thought he wasn’t going to tell me. I was just standing up when he spoke up. “I’ll tell you.”

I leaned closer so he wouldn’t have to talk very loud.


“They’re at the prison.”

I frowned. I didn’t know where any prison was. I’d have to find a map someplace. I nodded. I stood up and walked towards the door. With my hand on it, I turned around and said, “You know, they’re going to be suspicious if I leave and you have no new marks. I’m sorry. I value my life too much for that to happen. Shakira, attack.”

She immediately launched at him. When her teeth sunk into his calf, he cried out. With her jaw firmly clamped and a low growl emitting from her throat, I said, “That’s enough. Release.”

She let him go at once. With Glenn’s curses following us, we left his room and went in search of a map.


So sorry this one is short. I’m trying to hold out until we see the actual outcome February 10 before I have them rescue them. It’s kind of hard to do that without it seeming like the story is going nowhere. I hope I’m not boring you too much with these filler chapters.

Vampiregirl81 has turned me into a Directioner. I know, it’s shocking. I never saw myself turning into one. In fact, I wrote most of this chapter with Rock Me on replay. You should’ve seen me and my little sister dancing to that song in the car.

Another story from oh, so entertaining high school. We were doing debates in history class. My group wasn’t having much luck coming up with an idea. I said, “We should debate whether or not the Governor should die!” My teacher gave me the strangest look until I told him I was talking about the Governor from The Walking Dead.

Well, I’ll go now. If you have any ideas as to how I could get NormanReedus to read this, tell me. No idea is too stupid. Somebody asked me last chapter if he read this would I be really excited or really embarrassed? To tell you the truth, it’d be a little of both. I would be so psyched if he read this. No, I wouldn’t be embarrassed about the chocolate chapter. It’d be more along the lines of me being afraid I completely screwed up his character along the way without meaning to.


Tata for now,



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