Chapter Eight: Dead to Me

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A/N: well that was quite a plot twist 😳 I'm curious, do you guys like or dislike Beatrix? I personally can't decide, I think she's too complex of a character to put into a simple category of like or dislike. She is very cool though.
Also, do you guys think she's a hero, a villain, an anti hero? I'd like your opinions.
Also this chapter is from Damira's POV, back in present time

Beatrix stirred a silver spoon through her coffee. It clinked gently against the side of the cup. It was mesmerizing, watching her stir. Everything she did was mesmerizing.

I hated her.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Valerie asked, breaking the silence.

Beatrix shrugged. "I have a few ideas. Most of them require the participation of the other people on the list."

"So, what, we're gonna build like, an army of teenagers with powers and use it to take down a corrupt government? That's pretty cool," Pluto said.

"We can worry about the whole "taking down the government" thing later, right now our main focus is Olivia," Valerie said quietly, and I stared into the cup of coffee I had ordered.

I couldn't stand coffee unless it was iced and had a diabetes inducing amount of sugar mixed into it , something Beatrix had always teased me for, but I needed caffeine for the long night ahead. I took a sip, pushing the hot liquid around my mouth. It was bitter against my tongue.

"Didn't you say that Thomas guy's whole plan was to build an army of powered teens to save the world or something?" Valerie asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah. Right idea, wrong execution."

"It would be pretty empowering to make our own army and use to to take down him instead," Beatrix said with a grin.

"So, who have you gotten in touch with from the list?" Evianna asked.

"The only person who didn't hang up on me was this guy, Marcus Coleman. Says he needs to figure it out by himself before he contacts me again."

"Okay that's like, one person," Pluto said. "It's a start I guess."

"Well, technically it's half a person, since it was only partly successful," Beatrix reminded them.

She picked up her bag from the ground and set it on her lap. She opened it, and pulled out a piece of paper and pen. "Alright, let's write down the powers we know we have," she said, nodding towards me and Valerie.

"I don't really know," Valerie admitted. "I've turned water into ice before. And I've made ice just kinda appear from my hands. And sometimes I accidentally make the temperature around me really cold. But it doesn't give me pneumonia or anything."

"The cold never bothered me anyway," Pluto whispered. Valerie groaned.

"Alright, so ice powers, and temperature changing?" Beatrix asked. Valerie nodded.

Beatrix wrote that down, and turned to me.

"Uhh, telekinesis, some kind of energy manipulation, occasional weather stuff, but that just kind of happens. But I can't control any of it."

I technically could control the telekinesis, at least better than I was letting on. But I didn't want to say that, because it would make it seem like I could have stopped what had happened earlier, during the car chase.

But I couldn't have. I didn't know why I had lost control, and it scared me.

Beatrix wrote it down unfazed, but the rest of them stared at me. Pluto nodded, impressed.

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