Chapter 30

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Costello's Perspective:

It's been five days now, since that evil fuck transported my sweet Maddie, god knows where. Last night when he sent me photos of him and Madeline at his ceremony with her, it absolutely broke my heart to see Madeline so distressed and un-happy.

I was about to break everything in my office when Charles came in sadly and told me it was no use to be destructive, it's not like we'd find Monty's Hidden Grounds that way.

Ersa and Nelly were worn out from trying every Revealing Spell they knew, since the past five days. I can't stop seeing her sad face before she got transported away. She was so sad. I'm killing him as soon as I get the chance. I've told my warriors all around North America to search all the woods by them.

And me and Charles have been outside in the Woods of Colorado for 8 hours each day trying to find his Pack Grounds. I've asked  Moonio's family to search too. And in the mean time to create something to kill Dark Witches.

Moonio told me yesterday that there is one Dust that can apparently burn witches alive. And it's so powerful that the witches can't put the fire out, he's been trying to create it with his sisters.

I keep looking at the first picture I took of Madeline at the aquarium. How simple her life was then and it's like ever since then it's been cursed or something. I spent the whole day in the Woods today, only to come back an hour ago, with my lack of discovery.

I took a shower, and now I'm getting into bed. I haven't slept in two days, and me being un-healthy isn't going to get me Maddie back.

I close my eyes, and fantasize about Maddie cuddled up in my arms laughing hard about something I said.

Maddie's Perspective:

The next evening :

I open my eyes up, with a gasp. I sit up in bed a little too quick, and it makes me feel dizzy. I look outside the window. What the hell? The sun has already set. I really slept from last night to today evening. I must have been more tired then I knew.

I get off the bed and go pee, and wash my face with cold water. After I dry it using a face cloth. I look at myself in the mirror properly. I gasp for the second time today, as I see that my eyes have become a shimmering silver colour.

I wash my eyes for a whole minute and dry my face again. When I look into the mirror, my eyes are my normal brown. God I must be going fucking crazy, in this room. I walk to the bed slowly and sit down. I take a cold water out of the mini fridge, and drink half the bottle down.

Last night I had the strangest dream. Maybe I'm just missing Costello, and that's why I had a dream like that. I dream't that I was flying around the forest like I've done hundreds of times, in my life when suddenly I saw a bunch of deers in the distance, and I decided I wanted to go pet a very small fawn that was drinking water by a pond, standing by its mother.

I flew down quickly, and went to go stand by the fawn. So get this, I had been petting the fawn now for ten minutes, when I look at my reflection in the pound water, and I gasp as I see a Wolf looking back at me. I immediately look around the area to see if there's a Wolf here.

I look again, and realize the Wolf is moving as I'm moving. If I lift my arm, it lifts its paw, if I move to the left, it moves to the left, if I open my mouth, I see the wolf's sharp teeth.

The fawn rubs its head against my leg lovingly. I stroke the fawns fragile body softly. Suddenly I look into the pond again and it's just my reflection now, with my wings out, even though I don't have my wings out while I'm standing there.

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