Chapter 14

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Madeline's Perspective:

I wake up to the bright and wonderfully warm sun rays on my face. There's a window directly on the other side of the bed that gives you a stunning view of the woods. I wonder how the hell I got into this room. Could I have been so exhausted that I didn't even wake up when someone carried me here?

I get off the bed and take my time looking around the room. If I'm not guessing wrong, I think I'm in a big custom made and designed Attic room. There's a wood aesthetic in the whole room.

Above the bed there's this decorative piece hanging, that I could only describe as a thick spiky tree branches chandelier. To the left side of the bed there's a wooden desk and a simple light brown wooden chair.

Towards the right side of that chair there's a record player. And behind that record players there's a wooden box with records in it. There's even a tree stub on the right side of the bed, that I suppose is meant to be a seat. It looks all smooth. Like it's been sanded down.

There's also two big wardrobes on right side beside the wall. I open the doors just to snoop. I see that one of them is empty besides the twenty or so hangers, that are there. Behind the bed there's this black, red and gray abstract painting that gives away who's room this is. Definitely Costello's bed room.

There's also a door on the right that leads to a medium sized washroom

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There's also a door on the right that leads to a medium sized washroom. And a door not to far away from the washroom. That must lead, back down stairs.

I double check the room to see if I can find my bag anywhere. I'd love to take a shower and get into new clothes. Not only do these have the potions smell on them, but also I smell bad. Suddenly I take all my clothes off, and throw them in the laundry hamper by Costello's Bed.

I go into the wardrobe that's full of his clothes and pull out a large black sweatshirt, and grey sweats that he has there.

I step into the washroom, there's clean blue towels rolled up into his basket, I take two, one for my hair, one for my body and I hang up my clothes and towels on the washroom rack.

It feels like such a relief when the warm water hits me. For a minute I forget that someone's forcing me to be the Luna of their Pack. For a minute that's much too short I forget that the women who raised me is choosing to side with a stranger instead of protecting her daughters freedom, and happiness.

After that minute, I shower quickly, and before I know it, I'm dried,dressed and laying in Costello's bed again. I still feel so exhausted. I don't feel I have the energy to go through that door and see what awaits me.

I wake up to the sound of my Mom's voice. I sit up in bed and rub my eyes. She's brought the desk chair close so she can sit beside the bed, and she's got a tray that has a plate of eggs and turkey sausage, and a cup of coffee.

I realize when I look at the food, I haven't eaten anything in over a day. My mom grabs the plate and hands it to me. I take it from her and start eating slowly, knowing if I eat fast I'll throw up.

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