Chapter 4

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Costello's Perspective:

As I'm driving home I realize I didn't even ask her, her name. I drive home as quick as I can and stop in front of Charles house. I ring the bell a few times. His wife Camilla opens the door, she's wearing an over sized t shirt and underwear, her stomach looks big and swollen, she's due this month sometime.

She looks like she's glowing though. "Oh hi, Alpha Costello, pardon my appearance, are you looking for Charles? He's at your house."

I raise my eyebrows at Camilla "Why is he at my house? And please don't apologize, you look very healthy, let me know if you need anything ever. I'm gonna...."

I'm just about to finish my sentence when Camilla says "Actually I do need something, I would kill for some Chinese food right now." I chuckle "Right now?" She makes a pleading face "Yes Alpha Costello." For a second I think why doesn't she just order it but then I remember they don't do delivery after nine pm "Okay get a coat on, I'll be in the car." She walks inside, gets a coat on, then comes to sit in my car.

I phone to one of the Chinese places on our grounds and ask her what she wants, I say her order and then start driving. It takes fifteen minutes to get there. She looks at me "Alpha Costello, what did you come to say to Charles?" I look at her happily "I'll tell you and Charles at the same time. Camilla smiles "Sir I think I know."

I smile back at her. "What is Charles doing at my house anyways?" She rolls her eyes with no real irritation "Says there's better wifi there, and better food."

I laugh "What a guy." Camilla's mood heightens to an unbelievable level when she sees the Chinese place from afar. I can feel it radiating off of her, it puts me in a funny mood.

I go inside for her and grab her food quickly, I tip twenty dollars to the guy who's working. I sit back in my car and hand Camilla the bag, then proceed to drive to my house.

When we step inside Charles is in the kitchen making a bag of popcorn, and has a movie we both love called The Dreamers, paused in my living room. When he sees us, he comes over to Camilla and gives her a kiss, then eyes the Chinese food "Fuck yes, that's exactly what I was craving too." Then he fist pumps me.

He grabs three plates and starts plating food for all three of us, then he looks up at me suspiciously "You're in a good mood, I figure art class went well?"

I take a deep breath through my nose then smile "Charles, Camilla, I met my mate." Charles chokes on the popcorn that he's trying to swallow.

Camilla grabs him a glass of water, once he takes a few sips and recovers he comes up to me and gives me a hug. Then Camilla says "Alpha I knew it, I knew that's what it was, I've never seen you so happy before."

Charles asks "Wait so is she human? Was she the teacher? Did you talk to her?"

I'm about to tell Charles and Camilla everything that happened, when I realize I'm gonna have to say the same thing over to my parents and siblings, so I decide to link them all to get to my house because I've found my mate.

Sebastian and Amy get to my house first, then my parents.

Amy comes up to me with a smile and slaps my back "So Costco, you finally found your mate?" That's Amy's annoying nick name for me, Costco. I look at Amy sternly "That's Alpha to you." Amy rolls her eyes "Nah I like Costco better."

Sebastian chuckles, I look at both of them irritated. My parents come in over dramatically, my mom with the wedding ring that's been in our family for generations, that's intended for my Luna, and my dad with the infant necklace that's intended to be worn by my first born child.

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