Chapter 18

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Maddie's Perspective:

I had already thought everything about my plan thoroughly, when I was riding for over twenty four hours to Vancouver on the bus.

The first night I was going to a stay in a hotel, the next morning I'd go buy a big suitcase. Bring it back to the hotel. Then go out again to go get all the supplies I'd need. Some Food. A hammer, a really warm jacket, warm sweats, warm sweaters, (fairies have the ability to warm themselves up, but sometimes when you're low on power, it's a little bit harder to do)medication, pads. A blanket. A pillow.

Once I had all the things I needed. I waited till it was late at night until I flew up into the mountains to find a spot. It took me about two hours, but I found an empty cave deep in the Woods that I thought was secure. I came back to the hotel, packed everything in the big suitcase neatly.

I called a cab to drive me to an area on the highway that was as close as I could possibly get to the mountain cave without having to fly carrying the heavy bag. The taxi cab driver looked at me quizzically once I paid him and was about to get out.

I had to stop six times, for five minutes each time because it was hard to fly carrying the bag. But I made it there in a little over an hour.

When I got here, the first thing I did was build a kind of curtain for the cave with the blanket i had bought. I made a bed out of collecting leaves in garbage bags, until the bags weren't full. Thank god I had a pillow, other wise I'd have been so uncomfortable.

I found a spring near by were I could get water from. I had bought a little pot I could place over the fire and boil water, so I could drink it.

I made a fire within the cave. And had a box of juice and a bag of beef jerky before I fell asleep the first night.

There wasn't any nature fairies in the area I was in. And it got boring and lonely being alone after the first day and a half.

But at least I was away from Costello and the life he has planned for me. And at least I had decided to buy a notebook , some pens, and a novel at Walmart and put it in my suitcase before I got here.

It had been a week now, and I'd completely run out of food. I dreaded the idea of flying all the way to the city and coming back with bags of groceries. But I knew I had too. I healed a fawn last night and my energy was a little low too.

I had asked an Owl near by if he could bring me some food, if I helped him build his nest. I built most of his nest for him, while he brought me some elderberries and raspberries, for breakfast today.

But that wasn't gonna be enough for me. Just to ask the birds to bring me some snacks.

I cleaned myself at the little waterfall. Put on my clothes, grabbed my purse that had all my money in it. Tried to fix my hair the best I could and took off into the night sky.

I had spent a quick thirty minutes at the Supermarket getting whatever I wanted, and I was stepping out of the store now. I walked to the back of the store, where it was dark, and people weren't around at all, so I could fly straight up into the sky and fly away.

I was just about to do that when I saw a teenage boy coming towards me. Immediately my guard went up and I generated all my power into my hands, just in case I'd have to do something.

He was holding a pack of boxed juice. He lifted his arm "Hi, I think this fell from your bag ma'am." I took a breath of relief and raised my eyebrows "Thank you so much." The boy looked at me for a second too long. "No problem."

I put the pack in my bag. and gave the kid a smile. I turned to walk away when I felt myself getting hit with a big splash of some sort of potion. I tried to fight off its potent effects but I couldn't. I fell to the ground within ten seconds.

My last thought before I passed out was "Shit he found me."

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