Chapter 16

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Madeline's Perspective:

I fly as fast as I can through the sky, over the mountains. Heading towards Stacy's house. It really helps that ever since I woke up this morning, I've felt like my powers were triple in strength. Something about being caged. Maybe the built up aggression inside of me.

It felt so good to see that pricks face when he realized that everything I was doing was an act, to bide time. What an idiot.

I found money under a pair of shorts in his wardrobe. I took all of it. I did feel bad at first, but then I remembered I'm literally being held against my will by this guy. I had it in my pocket, zipped up the whole time.

I knew if I called to one of the birds, he'd ask if I could call something for him. I also knew he'd pick a large bird, since he's seen everything on the forest ground hundreds of times probably.

When the Owl and Me put our heads together, I asked her to go into the sky and check if the guards are surrounding the place or not. I couldn't  have anyone seeing what direction I was going.

When Costello put me down after what he thought was a session of passionate kissing. The Owl told me through feelings that there were no guards there, because the other ones were about to fill in.

Of course I didn't know that that's what would happen. My other plan was to tell Costello I need to pee really bad, so i'd go into the Woods and call onto a few bears to terrorize the guards in the direction I was going, so they'd be distracted as I went by.

But the plan worked out perfectly. My plan after stopping at Stacy's for an hour to explain everything, take a shower, and pack a back pack was to get on a bus going somewhere into Canada.

After an hour and a half, I was already half way there. But I felt a little bit tired and really hungry so I decided to take a break in the high mountain area.

I sensed there was a Nature Fairy here. I put my hands up, showing I had no intention to harm them "Hi I'm actually running away from an Alpha who wants to claim me as his Mate. And I was wondering if you had any food?"

Suddenly a very handsome young man fairy with cute pointy ears appeared from behind a rock. He couldn't be older then twenty five. He asked "The Albertine Prince?" I nodded. He chuckled "I'll be right back." He flew away all the sudden. I sat down and started massaging my neck. Man what was with me feeling so energized and tired at the same time, these past few days?

The young man appeared with a medium basket that had a nectarine,a muffin, some rabbit meat, and a jar of berry juice. "Thank you so much." I took the basket, gratitude evident on my face.

He said "No problem. What's your name?" I took a bite of the juicy nectarine, chewed and swallowed "Madeline Yearwood." He used his hand to address himself "I'm Moonio." I smiled "Cause you're like the Moon. Comforting?" He smiled coyly "I don't know about that. That's just what my parents called me."

I asked as I started on the muffin "Where's everyone else?" He laughed "Oh don't worry I'm not a loner or anything, our town in a few miles north. I just come here to be alone. Read. You know?"

I looked at Moonio happily "I know, exactly. I'm the same way." Moonio chuckled watching me devour the rabbit meat next "You were hungry hey?" I answered "Yes, I've been flying for the past hour and a half. I needed to rest."

Moonio asked "So this Alpha's really hell bent on making you his, I take it?"

I said "Yes, but it's even worse, my Mom's in on it with him. See my dad who disappeared when I was two, he was a Werewolf, and my mom decided to end the relationship, because he had moved into the city with her and me, leaving his Pack cause my mom couldn't live in a Pack. But later on she told him to go back. By the way I only found this out like less then a week ago."

Moonio looked at me with his eye brows risen "Oh you're Alpha Yearwood's daughter?" I nearly choked on my food. I took a few sips of the berry juice "Yes. Do you know him?"

Moonio looked at me happily "Oh yes. Well I mean I haven't met him. But I know the whole story from my Grandma. His Wife long ago. His child. Apparently he went to a really strong Witch to do a spell on him where he forgets about you guys, but he'll remember you guys again if he meets you in person. I helped make the potion to heal his huge flower garden a couple years back."

Wow here I was running away from Costello. And I just found someone who knew of my Dad, and where he was. I asked urgently "Do you know where he is?" Moonio looked at me with a frown "No but my Grandma might though. You could come to my town if you want."

Fuck how could this situation be happening right now? My worry was that Ersa, Costello's Pack Witch and my Mom would find me. They could fly almost as fast as me.

I returned the basket to Moonio. And asked him to give me his hand. I made a connection with him. So that I was able to contact him again, when I actually had the chance too. I asked "You've already done so much for me, but in the mean time could you try to find out where my Dad lives?" Moonio nodded with a smile "So long my sister."

I flew up in to the air and said "Thank you." before I left. I got to Stacey's house around seven pm. When we saw each other we gave each other a big hug. She said "Omg I was so worried. What happened. Your Mom and Costello came here. I told them the truth like you said."

I said "This time, tell them the truth too. I can't tell you where I'm going Stace." Stacy had a sad expression "Okay Maddie, but tell me what happened. I'll make coffee."

We sat down, and drank coffee. As I told Stacy everything from beginning to end. Stacy was shocked by the end of it. "So I guess your Mom is Costello's Number one fan? And your Dad, he'll remember you if you go to him?" I rolled my eyes "Literally and yes my Dad is alive."

Stacy said "Okay listen, go shower quick, I'll pack a bag, I'll put some snacks in there too. And look, don't argue with me on this, you've helped me a handful of times with money, please let me give you some this time."

I say "Stacey, you've worked so hard for your money. Come on. I don't know if I'll be able to return it to you. Or how long I'll be gone for." Stacy looks at me sternly "I'm not talking about this. Go shower."

I get up, walk to get room, and pick some plain clothes out from Stacy's closest. And I go shower. Half an hour later, I'm hugging Stacey. And getting into a taxi, to get to the Bus Station.

Once I'm in the bus, I hold my back pack in my lap. And put my head against the window, looking outside, thinking how simple my life used to be just a week ago before Costello Fucking Albertine walked into it.

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