Chapter 21

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Madeline's Perspective:

Well shit, Stewart wasn't exaggerating when he said this place is big. After thirty minutes of sauntering around, looking at all the beautiful trees and flowers, even going over the bridge. I decide to sit on a bench that's under a tree.

I think about how different my life would be right now if I just hadn't gone to Art Class that day

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I think about how different my life would be right now if I just hadn't gone to Art Class that day.

To worsen matters. Ever since I woke up all I can think about is all the things I like about Costello.

How he crosses his arms while standing, making his forearms flex naturally. How he chuckles in such a sexy way. When he blinks his wild blue eyes. The way he always grabs my hips. The way he speaks like he's some artistic character from a movie.

The way he runs his fingers through his hair, when he's thinking. The way he looks at me like he'll devour me. That way he knows how to continue a joke, to make the situation funnier.

His dressing style. Even today when he came rushing in, his sweater was so nice. It was so colourful and there was such a vintage vibe to it. He looked so cute in it compared to his usual suit.

Fuck, even walking in this Garden I've been trying hard to not day dream about him

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Fuck, even walking in this Garden I've been trying hard to not day dream about him. Well at least the fact that I'm attracted to him helps with the being doomed situation, but still I don't want this life. But there's no way out. No matter where I go, he'll find me.

I put my hands in my face for about a minute, when I hear a deep voice say "Mind if I sit?" I look up to see an older man, maybe around forty five years old. He's wearing a deep blue silk shirt, and black dress pants, and a black coat. He has his hair brushed back.

He has wonderful green eyes, a sharp jaw, shaped eye brows, and a great physique. This has got to be either Costello's Uncle or Dad.

I look up at him with a pathetic smile "Sure Sir." He comes to sit down, leaving a good amount of room between us. He looks over to the little birds playing on tree branches.

I look towards a big patch of different coloured tulips where a bumble bee is flying around. It reminds me of the fact that Costello got me pink tulips on our date.

Suddenly the man turns to me and sticks his hand out "I'm Jerald." I smile and shake his hand "I'm Madeline." He chuckles warmly "Ohhh you must hate it here hey?" I nod "I just couldn't ever fathom that this would be my life. And I hate the idea of someone not being free."

Jerald nods in a way that shows how many years of wisdom he has. "You're right. It's quite sickening actually." I say "I'm sure you're all nice people here. But I don't want to be the Luna of a Pack."

Jerald waves his hand, conveying that he doesn't mind "Oh it's understandable. Its a lot of responsibility."

He gazes up at the sky, like he's in love with it "So Madeline, have you liked the garden?" I answer "Yes it's beautiful. Who designed it, or who did all the work?"

He smiles romantically "My Wife, Sandra, it took her almost ten years, but the work, everyone helped."

I say "That's fantastic, is your Wife here?" He smiles "Oh yes, but lately she's been more into making clothes now."

I smile "That's nice. And what do you like to do?" He looks towards his left "I like to walk, and I like to play guitar. I like to read, in-fact I read your book too. I loved the poetry parts."

I look at the guy shocked "Really?" He chuckles "Yes you're a great writer. Don't stop writing." I say "Thank you Sir. I'm glad you liked it enough to read it."

He leans in to me in a funny way "I'll tell you something though, there's a few people here reading your book, you've got a fan following here."

I laugh "Oh really?" He says "Yeeessssssss." I ask "What's your favourite book of all time?" He closes his eyes "I do quite like The Death Of Ivan Ilyich. What a great message you know?"

I smile "I loved the message in that too. That's a depressing book though." He laughs "Ha! Maybe I'm a depressed person then. But what's your favourite book?" I say "Please Ignore Vera Dietz."

He raises his brows "Oh yessss I heard about that one. Never got around to reading it though."

Suddenly he gets up "Would you wanna see something interesting, my child?" I nod at the guy because what else am I supposed to do?

I start walking with him. We walk pretty silently for about five minutes before we come to a kind of large fenced area. In the area there looks like there's about ten to fifteen blankets on the ground, and there's about ten actual Wolf pups.

I ask Jerald "Why are they all here?" Jerald chuckles "After I retired, I had a lot of time on my hands, so now I find orphaned Wolf Pups, that aren't apart of a Pack and bring them here until they aren't old enough to be taught how to haunt and survive. Then I'll take them out in the wild with me, and let them go once they're ready. But you can communicate with animals right?"

I frown at Jerald "Yes but since my Evil Mother took my powers away I can't do anything."
Jerald looks at me in a guilty way "I'm sorry about that. That's horrible. I understand how hard it must be. And Costello's not making it any easier, with his Wolf being restless."

I ask "Your Costello's Dad?" Jerald looks at me in surprise "How did you know?" I waved with my hand "Similar Body Structure." He nodded "I'm sorry you're not getting along."

I didn't know what to say to that, so I bent down and decided to scoop up one of the babies that kept tilting his head up and staring at me.

He got comfortable in my arms right away

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He got comfortable in my arms right away.

Jerald asked me "Is there anyway I can make your adjusting here better?" I thought about it for a minute while I stroked the Pups back softly. "I'm not sure if there's any way Jerald. But thanks for asking."

I put back The Pup gently. Jerald said "I have to get back now. My Wife is wondering where I am. I'll see you soon."

After he walked away, I kept walking slowly, to see the rest of the Garden. I won't under exaggerate, it was really gorgeous. I mean everything seemed magical.

Once I saw everything. I started walking back to Costello's house, at a slow pace, no rush to get there.

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