Chapter 6: Regret It

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She shared a lot of memories with the water running down her bare chest. Shattered memories she wanted to forget and bury deep down in the past.

But when you're faced with things that reminds you of the painful memories of the harm that coused you, how are you able to just forget?

Was it the way her flesh was burned under the water, or the staining sensation that made her fall into a deep reminder of the past, a past where the truth was never spoken? A past with no answer but filled with questions?

A past where her mind had no connection to her soul?

But who's fault was it? The water? She can't blame a beauty like the reflecting water to something like the ugly memories who decideded to leave a mark in her head and deep in her heart.

It was a question to herself that she needed to answer, because no one can answer a question for you when you're the one who did it.

Because it was you Jennie, wasn't it?


"I said! Don't touch my fucking ice cream!"

"Come one eonnie! It's so much, just a little sharing won't hurt!"

Jennie answered back Jisoo who was holding her bucket of cold ice cream tight against her chest. Jennie had opened the freezer and found the ice cream in the morning, feeling the need to just steal a little she unfortunately got caught by Jisoo.

"Forget that you bitch! You're not touching my ice cream!"

Jisoo yelled back as she took a few steps back from her blue haired best friend, securing the ice cream between her arms as they continued to argue in the kitchen.

"what the hell, why ya'll screaming in the morning for?"

Both Jisoo and Jennie stopped their little fight when they turned to the source of voice, finding the whole "dick head gang" as Jisoo calls them. It's in her dictionary as she always says.

Bambam was the one who they had heard, his blond hair was messy and you could see that he had just woken up from a sleep he probably didn't want to be interrupted from.

"This thief tried to steal my ice cream!"

Jisoo shouted, to angry to realise who she was talking to right now. Since Jisoo hates them a lot it was a surprise she had opened her mouth to talk.

"why the hell you yelling for!"

"You're the one who's yelling!"

Jisoo answered back Bambam, her face turning a shade of red from anger. It always did that when she loses her temper. You could hear the cackles from the other guys in the back.

Jennie couldn't help hold back a few chuckles too, Jisoo had sent her a glare right away. Rosé sighed heavily before she stepped forward, her footsteps seemed to remind Jennie of someone she knew, but it was hard to point out when she doesn't know who.

She stepped infornt of the suprisingly scared Jisoo which was fast replaced with a quite offended stare after her ice cream bucket was snatched from her hands.

Rosé brought out seven white bowls from the cabinet, almost slamming them down on the table as she worked faster than one was able to think. She opened the smelting ice cream bucket and scooped up chunks of ice cream into the bowls.

"Now eat, and stop yelling at 7 am"

Rosé told after finished serving the bowls to all the eight of the woken boys and girls. Jisoo was to scared to upset her with any words even though she was about to rant about the stolen ice cream.

Sh was more concerned about the stolen glances between a certain dark haired and her best friend.


Jennie had found herself outside again, blended with the night sky as she laid over the shivering cold grass under her body. Her clothes was to numb to her skin, and skin to silent to get up.

She had sat there for a while, eyes fixed on the rust flame blinding her choclate brown eyes. It was to dark to talk and to cold to get in. She found herself leaving the cabin for some air while her roommates was already in a deep slumber.

She had missed to be outside for quite some time now. Missing the air hitting her face and her cold breath being before her. The smell of her mother's clothes hitting her nose and the rusting sound of animals hiding behind bushes.

She couldn't stay away from it for to long, always finding herself back here no matter what the world says against her.

The grass rustled behind her, thinking it was an animal running around. But once the animal took a seat next to her, she knew she wasn't snow white bonding with animals.

"it's cold, what idiot would be out here at this hour?"

She listened to Lisa, who was to an surprise the animal. She had sat down next to the brown haired, almost impossible to see from the black of her clothes blending with the night.

She smelled the familiar smell of the cigarrete of the latter, smoke blowing past her face, finding herself breath it in as an instinct.

"You smoke a lot"

"You talk a lot"

Lisa replied back to the latters comment. Jennie turned to face the other, catching eyes with the dark haired with the cigarette between her lips.

She snorted at the reply, silly smile across her face as she laid her chin on her knees. Her cold hands wrapped themselves around her numb legs.

"I can't stop doing something that's a part of myself now"

Lisa spoke up again, answering this time the previous comment. She laid her hands behind her back, holding her body up as she stared at the flame before their eyes.

"I guess it was a bad habit of mine, but I don't regret it"

She continued. Jennie turned her head to look at the latter who's eyes were stil fixed on the bonfire. The brown haired opened her mouth

"You don't regret it. Why would you regret something when there's nothing to regret"

Sh told, her head back over her knees as she stared down at the drenched Grass under their weights. She could hear Lisa's heavy sighs beside her as she instead turned her eyes to the black painted sky over their heads.

"Maybe I should regret it" She replied.

"I used to smoke" Jennie told back, her voice and tone still the same. Seem to be no different for her to recognize. A normal topic for her wasn't it?

"Hard to believe"

Jennie chuckled as she saw the others reaction, not surprised herself. People didn't believe someone like her used to hold a cigarrete between her lips.

How she used to smoke a packet a day, longing for the smoke to fill her lungs every second of the day. The hours went slower when she smoked, always wanting to get out and take one out to be lit.

It was better than anyone, than anything. It was a replacement for everything, she loved the taste of it more than the food she should have eaten at that time. She forgot the taste of things and the only craving her body desired was the suffocating smoke.

"I wanted to breath another air than the one we all do"

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