15. Love Language

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"You're so pretty, my mate"

To say Taehyung was surprised would be an understatement. He was stunned to the core of his heart. Just a mere statement from the alpha wasn't supposed to be that much breath-stealing for him. But the truth hurts, and it is. All Taehyung could focus on right now was not only the whisper he just heard but the eyes- the red blood eyes were tearing his soul like a dagger. He suppressed a natural urge to submit. It's his alpha looking at him. 

"Aren't you the beautiful moon, my prince?" 

He heard again. There is a faint voice in his head telling him to nod in agreement. And Taehyung was not ready to give in that easily. When he didn't utter a word, the alpha held him straight, one hand still on his waist, the other holding his sword. Even though they're of the same height, Jungkook was a bit more muscular than him, a bit stronger too. Taehyung noticed how he's the perfect fit in Alpha's arms. And, he gulped. Perfect might be a problem between them. Because neither of them wants that union, neither of them wants to remind themselves that they're made of each other. 

As they stood there, without exchanging a word, Taehyung studied the alpha. Jungkook is handsome. The omega prince is not stupid. From day one, he has been so fond of the fact that even after having the nasty personality, Jungkook was attractive than any other alphas he saw. No, it's not because of the mate bond.

His eyes trailed from the neat forehead where two strands of the raven hair falling to his crimson eyes, then his perfect eyebrows, the flawless nose bridge, and then his lips- the pink full lower lips and the mole underneath them. Taehyung's breath hitched. What was he doing? Why was he doing that? Admonishing himself for losing his conscience, Taehyung pulled himself together, inhaling sharply. 

The almond eyes averted from the world to Alpha's crimson eyes, which had nothing at that moment. Weird. Then why was Taehyung delving deep into that ocean? The red was mysterious, scary even. But it was desperate too. Something Taehyung never wanted to read in the alpha's eyes, something he never wanted to know about Jungkook. 

He stared dormant, holding onto the little hope inside that they're far away from each other and that would be the best for them. It was static until Jungkook cleared his throat and whispered again. 

"Even the moon has scars. And here's my mate, the moon prince- flawless, beguile, and so..." 

The deep voice hit his nerves, making the omega shiver. What's the alpha meant by all those words? What's he intending to do? Hurt him? Broke him? Oh, if that's the plan, the alpha should know the moon shines with all the cracks, burned to the core to beat the stars around him only to have all the eyes on him, just him. 

Who is he challenging? But this- the words of the alpha wasn't a challenge to him. Taehyung doesn't know why it sounded like admiration when it rolled out from the alpha's mouth. Maybe it's the deep voice, maybe it's the weather or maybe it's---

"And so vicious..." 

With that, Taehyung's almond eyes glared at the man holding him. The grip was hurting, the red orbs burning like a sun before dusk. There's no desperation, no admiration for his mate now. It's something else. Something Taehyung failed to read. And he was thankful for that- that he couldn't skim through it solely.

Fixing his posture, the omega prince resisted the yearning to push the man, but he did make a move. Once he got the alpha was lost in his thoughts, the grip on his hand was loosened. It doesn't take a lot of moments for Taehyung to attack the distracted man with his sword, pushing him with all his force, and stumbling on his foot, Jungkook fell on the ground on his back. The scarlet eyes glared at him as Taehyung smirked in victory. He leaned into the level of alpha's ears, the tip of his sword touching the other's neck, and then he whispered in his velvety voice. 

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