2. Wind and Thunder

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The palace was mesmerizing. Sparkling lights and alluring flowers are decorated at each corner matching with the pride of Crimson Asterin. Greetings and laughter filling in the air as the pack members and the royal council being the best hosts. The guests smiling and patiently listening to the head alpha talking to them. No one cuts him off or says something against him. The royal council members welcoming the guests while Jimin, Jin, and Yoongi standing next to the head alpha.

Jungkook was wearing a black shirt tugging inside his black pants and a black coat over his shirt. The outfit accentuates his perfect physique and every guest was drooling over him. His pheromones are strong and dominating. Even some guests tried to hit on him but Jungkook tore them down. He talked to the special guests and his old friends Kim Yugyeom, and Mark, and people from other packs too.

They were sitting at the special lounge for his friends and very important guests. It was a little away from the party hall and loud. They poured drinks in their glasses and talked about a lot of things while sipping the drink. It was all good. Just like the alpha wanted, they all got to know the power of Crimson Asterin with just a party. 

After midnight, when the chaos died down, Jungkook walked inside of his room. The cold bed was waiting for him but he took off the coat and unbuttoned the first three buttons of his shirt. Walking to the balcony, he sat down on the swing chair while glancing at the crescent. Jungkook doesn't miss things like others. He has everything. But the need as a werewolf is not for only materialistic things. Sometimes he gets bored because of his cold bed, and lonely blanket. Jungkook doesn't have any partner; like any kind of partner. He never thought of any need for it. 

While sitting on the balcony, he glanced at the sight in front of him. His pack. The world's strongest pack. The small huts are lightened up with yellow lamps and thick forest engulfing the pack. Soothing wind passing them, while the dark clouds hiding the stars on the dark canvas. His eyes got stuck on the villagers roaming in front of the palace, having a great time with the party. He tried to listen to their conversation. One of the males saying something in a slurry voice and all he could catch was a word. 

"Del Royale." 

For a moment, Jungkook let his mind wander and think about the word. Sounds like a pack name. A name he never heard. Why are his pack members taking another pack name? And that too with a wide smile and proud eyes? Jungkook tried his best to concentrate on their talk. The other male giggling and replying to the first one. 

"Ah, their pack is amazing. All their omegas are so talented and pretty. I went there once, and now I can't forget about them." 

They all nodded. Looks like they agree with what their fellow said. Unknowingly, Jungkook's hand balled into fist and jaw tightened. One thing to know about the strong alpha, he hates being weak and weaklings. And omegas are one of them. Despite being pretty, omegas don't have any other qualities. They're born to be homemakers, accepting their fate, treating their alpha, and taking care of their pup. That's how their life works. That's how Jungkook believes. And for his good, no one corrected him. 

The head alpha stood up and walked to the washroom. A cold shower will clear his head for sure. He stripped his clothes and stood under the shower. The water, as expected, caressing his tattoos, cleansing the stains of his body and heart, and helping him to relax. After the shower, he changed into comfortable clothes and lay down on his bed. The midnight darkness filled the room as he switched off the light and closed his eyes. Soon, he went to his dreamland. 


The morning was calm. There was not so much work for him today. The head alpha was walking through the packground, checking the training and surroundings. His jogging session was completed and he entered his office. The big black room has a mahogany table in the center, a couch on the side, grey curtains, and a wall clock ticking slowly, breaking the silence. Jungkook is a well-arranged person. His desk was neat and documents arranged in order. As he sat down on the chair, his assistant, Jimin came inside with a cup of coffee in his hand. The alpha greeted Jungkook and placed the coffee on the table. His head was low with respect. As soon as the alpha took a sip, Jimin said. 

"Kim Yugyeom from La Violet and Mark Tuan from Depth Dawn is here with their betas. They want to meet you, alpha." 

Jungkook looked up for a second, registering what he just heard. He met his friends yesterday. Why are they here today? Is there any special reason for them to be here? The expression of Jimin says something like that. He looks scared and is trying to hold back himself from the strong and tense aura around him. Jungkook nodded and said. 

"Let them in." 

Jimin bowed and walked out to call the other head alphas inside. Kim Yugyeom and Mark Tuan are Jungkook's old friends and partners of every plan. The three packs are the strongest and merciless when they're together. He smiled at his friends, welcoming them to have a seat with him. The three sat on the couch. It was Mark who broke the silence. 

"Jungkook, we're here to discuss a very serious issue." 

The words don't melt the tension down. Jungkook stayed expressionless. He got that vibe. His friends never behave formally with him. Yug nodded and Mark continued. 

"We're having a problem with our pack territory. Some pack is fighting with us and our allies to take our land away. They're killing our warriors and attacking us mercilessly. Our allies are losing their strength." 

As he paused, Jungkook nodded. Issues with packs are common, they fight for lands and try to attack the territories of others. It ends up with the strongest pack and warriors winning and having all the pack territory to themselves. And the losing pack would end up with nothing and gone rogues. That's not a big issue here since the two packs are the powerful and their allies too. Then what's bothering his friends? 

"The other pack luring our pack members to join them. And our warriors too, slightly have a soft corner towards the attacking pack. They're ready to leave us and join them. We tried to punish those who broke the rule but nothing happened. Please do something…" 

Yugyeom said. His voice was a little cracking down, maybe because of sitting in front of his impulsive friend who doesn't think straight when it comes to fights and wars. They know Jungkook will never let those to live in peace who broke the rule. Why are their pack members so persistent to join the attacking pack? It was frustrating. Jungkook's eyes flashed red for a second in anger. His hands tightening, and jaw clenching at his friend's words. The audacity of that small pack to do this. Sure, the attacking pack is gonna lose everything once Jungkook lets his force do whatever they want and win the war. What's so much there with that pack that makes their people and allies join their attackers? What kind of luring are they doing? Wait---

"Which pack has the guts to attack us?" 

Jungkook asked. His eyebrows pinched together and lips forming into a frown, his face is all red because of the anger rushing through his whole body. Jungkook scoffed after saying that and waited for his friends to reply. Yug and Mark stared at each other for a moment, and then Mark replied. 

"Del Royale"

Seriously, do they know who Jeon Jungkook is and what he can do?

Take care...


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