chapter 13

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The scream. Thats all I can hear. And the blood. I know I seen my share, but to see it on someone close. Granted I've lost brothers. And been shot and stabbed myself a few times. But this is so much different.

This was my girl, my fiancé at that. I don't know what happened or who fired the shot. I was down on my knee just as she accepted the ring when this happened.

I caught her as she fell. Blood seeping from her side, thru that beautiful blue ball gown she wore. People were running and screaming, trying to get away from the scene.

Her dad ran to my side. As he desperately tried to get my attention, I heard nothing.  Not a sound. CoralAnne looked straight into my eyes telling me she loved me then her eyes closed. I froze yet again.

"Damit Hammer if you don't get your shit together right now we are gonna lose her." Her dad said.

And that's when my focus came back. No way in hell was she gonna leave me. Not when we just got together.

Her dad had me put pressure on her wound and he started realizing her pulse was becoming less strong. To the point when he started cpr.

I called the brothers as people around us called the paramedics and police.  I told our pres that CoralAnne was shot and losing lots of blood. He told me that they would meet us at the hospital.

By the time EMS got there it felt like an eternity. I honestly dont know how long. They wanted some information and I just couldn't talk. Call it shock if you will. But seeing my love get shot, losing so much blood, it does something to a man. Or anyone for that matter.

They loaded her up and told her dad what hospital they were going to. So just a few shy minutes later the brothers came and we all left to that same hospital.

Upon arriving at Mt. Christopher's Memorial Hospital, we were told CoralAnne was taking back to the trama ward for immediate surgery and we could wait in the waiting room.

I'm not sure how many people have seen over 30 big ass bikers in one waiting room. Granted we would have a few of us here if a brother was brought in. But never this many. Never at one time.

Officer Warren shows up and I  tell him my side of the story and so does her dad. And after he leaves, I just broke down crying. Never in my life have I cried this much.

I told them of our engagement and everyone congratulated me and said that they know she'll make it through. That she is a fighter.

And she is.

I walked out of the room, and made my way to the chapel the hospital has. And for the first time in a very long time, I prayed.

"Lord, I don't know if you can hear me right now. It's been a very long time since I did something like this. But if you can find it in your heart to spare a couple of minutes, I would really love to talk to you right now." I paused and waited. Like he was gonna stop what he was doing to talk to me. "I know that there are stains on my soul especially being in the lifestyle I'm in. But CoralAnne has not done anything wrong. She's a pure soul. Ok well she did get her revenge on the asshole. Oh sorry. But I can't lose her. We just literally got engaged when she was shot. She's my person Lord. The love of my life. The other half of me. The one that completes my soul and heart. I can't lose her. So please if you can. Let her pull through this so we can be together. Please."

Tears again fall down my cheeks when a clearing of a throat catches my attention.

"That's  some powerful words, son."

I look to see who is there and met with the eyes of the chaplain.

"Yes sir." I say with a wimpered voice.

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