Chapter 8: Confession

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As we walked towards the barn, it was silent. I'm not even sure what was going to be the outcome of this. Would he walk away, would he stay? Question after question races thru my mind. To the point I am even scared to hold his hand or stand next to him.

As we reached the barn and walked inside, I went over to Onyx and petted him. My boy. My stallion.

I couldn't even bring myself to look at Julian. Not once. How can I be trained to do a job like this but not.even look into the eyes of someone I'm falling for.

"Take a seat. You're gonna need to. Trust me."  I heard crunching of hay so I knew he sat on some hay stacks behind me.

"There is no easy way to say this."

"So just say it."

'So just say it.' Easier said then done.

I nestled my head against Onyx listening to him breathe.

"What I said in there is true. How I was trained to do this. It's not something I ever wanted. I didn't mind learning to live off the land or the guns and knives. But I hated, hated the trainging of having to take someone's life. That part to this day kills me. More than you'll ever know. Who am I to play God like that? But Junior, well he is a disgusting walking piece of skin and bones."

A chill runs up my spine as I recall that day. The memories flashing in my mind as if it were yesterday. My own father doesn't know the details. Neither does my Aunt or Uncle. Sarah Ann knows what I told her but not all of it.

Tears start to slowly fall from my eyes. And I know by not talking its making him more impatient.

"One day, as we were at some event, we got a call saying someone was in trouble and we were needed. Well he supposedly got a call. But that wasn't the case. As I ended up finding out the hard way."

"What do you mean?"

"You know when you get that gut feeling and you should always trust your first instincts. Well I didnt. And it costed me something special. Something I wanted to hold on to but now never can."

"CoralAnne, what happened?"

"I listened to him. Followed blindly because I thought we would be together. But we were just not the way I hoped. We went to some abandoned log cabin. Him telling me that a girl was tied up and the abuser was raping her. So we were to take the guy out. Simple enough. So I was point like always. We get into the house and see a girl tied to a chair. A guy standing over her with a knife in his hand shaking. He kept saying No."

I pause for a minute and slid down the wall next to Onyx's stall. Julian tried to get up but I waved him off.

My eyes were closed as I see the events playing in my mind. So livid, the screams, pain and smell still lingering in my mind.


"The guy was innocent. They staged it to get to me. I killed an innocent. And when I let the girl go she started laughing. Thinking she was in shock, I tried to comfort her. Only for her to tell me she was never in danger. The next thing I know, I was tied to a table, stripped of my clothing while a metal rod was being thrusted in and out of me like someone trying to fuck me. The girl was kissing and sucking on me while the guy used the rod. I screamed because it hurt so much. Then he removed it and forced himself into me. The girl then got the rod and was using it anally on me.  Then it stopped, or so I thought. Then it started again. She was down on me and he was making me suck on him. And when I tried to move my face away I was hit with the rod across my stomach and punched in my face. Eventually it stopped. And I had to witness them two getting it on. I was broken, bloody, and destroyed."  I opened my eyes to see Julian seething in anger and sadness.

"Theres more."


"Toby found me. Fixed me up. Later we trained togrther to hunt them down. The girl, Julian's sister. I later found out. And you know her."

"No. How can I?"


At this point he was livid. He stood up and started passing.  "He's mine."

"Julian no. I have to be the one. I need to do this. Please."

"No. Noan should lay a hand on a woman. Especially mine."

"Look, I'll make you a deal."  He stopped and looked at me. "I'll let you torture him. But I want to ass rape him with a rod and kill him. You can beat him but let him die by my hands. Please Julian. This is how I can finally be set free."

"Fine. When?"

"When we leave here."

"No. Let's wait an hour."


"Because I need time to process this."

With that being said he got up and walked out. I broke down and just cried. Tears fell like the Niagara Falls.

But the next thing I know of, or what it felt like, was two arms picking me up and carrying me. The warmth and smell felt comfortable.

Yet when I woke up I realized I was still in the barn and my dream of him holding me was just that, a dream.

So I got up, wiped my eyes and headed to the main house. Walking and trying to convince myself that I could do this. I could face the guy that destroyed me all those years ago. Without crying, without anyone else knowing.

But when I walked into the house all eyes were on me and the noise just stopped.  And it is starting to put me on edge.

I see Toby and King along with Hammer and my dad standing by the bar. No one says anything but Toby just looks at me with eyes asking me if I'm ok and ready to do this?

I look at him and answer so everyone could hear. Especially Hammer. "Honestly, I don't know. But I have to. It's a means to an end." Toby nods but stays quiet still.

King and my dad ask us all to follow them. They are leading me downstairs and already I am starting to get an uneasy feeling. Hammer says nothing, not even a hand on the shoulder. No it was Toby. He is there to let me know I got this.

As we make our way into the room where Jr is, I can hear him screaming to the guys to let him go. The sound of his voice is mimicking mine when he did what he did.

King started talking to him as I tried to remove any sense of emotion from me. I don't want anyone to see how I truly feel.

Just then I hear screaming and shouting, pleas to stop. But as I look around its not Hammer or King. Not even my dad or Toby. No its me. I AM THE ONE. I am doing everything to make him scream in pain right now.

"You son of a bitch. You deserve this. Everything. You did it all of that to me now its time to do it to you."  Swing after swing and punch after punch I  going hard at it. "How could you do that to me?"

Just as I was going to swing on him again with the lead pipe that was there, two massive arms wraps around me. Holding me as I drop the pipe down. I began to cry so hard that my body is literally shaking. Just then those arms pick me up and starts to carry me bridal style out of the room.

I didn't even register where I was until my head hit a pillow. That's when I looked up and saw Hammer standing and staring back at me.

I sat up and moved away quickly from him. He sighed and just fell to his knees. Crying.

This big 6'6", 225 pound man with tattoos crying.

I didn't know what to do. Or even what to say. But I managed myself to move over to him and wrap my arms around him. Trying to hold and comfort him. He in turn held me in his arms and held me to him. Bothof us letting our emotions go.

Mine of all the years of torment from Jr. And his, well I have no clue.

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