Chapter 1

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My father sent me away to live with his brother and sister when I was about 5 years old. My mom was never in the picture. From the stories I have been told, my father got my mom pregnant and she wanted nothing to do with me or him after that. So she left him with me and took off.

I guess he did okay for the first several years but things got rough, from what I have been told.

Now I know what you might be thinking, that I have no knowledge of him or he was never in my life. Right?
Well you are wrong. I know my father. My aunt and uncle made sure of that. And yes he has been in contact with me.

Do I know what he does for a living? Yes and no. I know he is in some type of motorcycle club but that's it. There have been many of times that I have asked to see him bit he always told me, along with every one else, that it's too dangerous.

Well I guess the dangerous part has now caught up to him. So here I am, driving to him, after years of being away.

And to be honest I am not sure how these people will handle me being there. I mean, I drive a lifted truck. I am the typical country girl.

My uncle taught me how to hunt, fish, camp and survive in the outdoors plus ride horses. Plus how to take care of them too. And I can drink with the best of them.

However my aunt was a true southern belle. She taught me what it means to be lady like and have manners. And how to tale care of a home, cooking, cleaning, things like that. But to be honest, I liked my uncle way better.

Don't get me wrong I love my aunt. But I am more of a tomboy than ladylike. But I can be ladylike when it calls for it.

Am I nervous of being able to talk to my dad? Yes. Only thing I ever got was letters from him. And of course birthday and Christmas presents. But never once have I got to do the whole father daughter relationship. That was my uncle's position. And at times I was upset and angry. But I still loved my uncle.

Driving state after state, mile after mile is tiring. Only thing good is the random country stations I can find. Or plugging my phone in the auxiliary cord so I can listen that way. I promised my aunt and uncle I would call them when I get there. But truth is I call every state line. I know they worry.

And just like that, I am now pulling up to a hotel in the same area as my father's MC is in. I park my truck and head to the front office.

"Hi welcome to the Blue Ridge hotel. How can I help you, Miss?" Says this little old lady with the name tag that reads Belinda.

"Hi ma'am. I believe you have a reservation for me."

"Ok. And what name is that under? And may I see some identification as well."

"Yes ma'am. The name is under CoralAnne Thompson." I say to her as I hand her my id.

"Okay. I see you right here in our system. Says you are here for a month." She looks to me and I just nod. I don't know if I will be staying any longer or what's gonna happen but we shall see. I don't know how serious my father's injuries are or what happened. But all I can do is take this one day at a time. My thoughts were interrupted by Belinda talking to me again. "Okay Miss Thompson you are in room 225. Here is your keys. And if you have any questions just call."

"Thank you ma'am."

"You're welcome."

I jump back into my truck and find a place to park near the room I was given. Once there I gathered my bags and headed on into room 225. Its a nice room, clean and organized. Not the southern way of clean but clean enough.

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