Chapter 7

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"We're going hunting."

It's all I could say to him. I can't let them get involved. I cared for him and his brothers to much to see them get hurt or killed.

"No, please CoralAnne don't do this. Let me help let us help."  Hammer was almost on his knees begging me. I wanted to tell him who I was right there. But I couldn't, at least not yet.

"Hammer, let her go son. She knows what to do. Trust me when I say she will be ok." My father said to him. 

I looked to my father and smiled. He told me to be careful and stay focused.  I told him I will.

Hammer had a look on his face. One of confusion and being scared. I placed my hand on his face. I stood on my tippy toes and he leaned down to me. I kissed him with ever feeling I had within me.

"I will be safe, I promise. I will come back to you."

"You better because when you do, that sweet little ass of yours is mine. Then we will talk."

I agreed with him then walked out to the back where the barn is. Toby had Sarah Ann's horse all saddled up and mine as well. I checked over every strap and buckle on Onyx.

We mounted the horses and went out to the side of the main house. Sam and Charlie knew to stay back and give us updates on what they could find as well as  what Cobra found. 

Toby and I never spoke a word when we were on missions like this. We didn't have to. Our movements and body language was so in sync to each other. Maybe that's why we are the most lethal team out there.

Sam called and told me that him and Cobra found where that prick was keeping Sarah.

I told Toby and he nodded. See the best thing about us, is that we use our horses. They can be very quiet. And plus we can go in places that others can't.

It was pitch black by the time we got to the little house where they had my sister.

The asshat called me again.

"Times a ticking C. Thought you were better at this. But I guess being away from it for so long you've lost your touch."

"Oh Junior, are you sure about that? I mean I  have to say, you are not the best of playing hide and seek. You always did have a way of getting caught."

"Where are you, C?" I can see him looking out the window trying to find me.

"Oh Junior, you should know better than to be looking out the window. Especially if a trained killer is out for you."

"You don't have to play with me, C. We both know you aren't here."

"Well I don't know about you, but if I had a little red dot pointed at my chest I think twice about mouthing off. Wouldn't you?"

Just then Toby came in behind Junior and injected him in the neck with something. I got into the house and found Sarah Ann with a bloody face. She had cuts and bruises all on her body. I managed to clean some of the blood off of her face.

When Toby came to the room I was in after sometime, he gently picked her up and carried out and situated her on her horse with a blanket covering her.

Then we went back in for Junior. We tied his feet up with rope along with his hands. Poor boy is gonna have fun when he wakes up after what I have plan for him.

Toby carries him out and I securely tie a rope from Onyx to Junior's feet. He is gonna be toed behind me just like they did in the olden days.

Toby mounted Sarah's horse and I got on Onyx. And we headed back to the compound.  Only took us several hours but oh well. I messaged Sam and Charlie to let them know we were coming back. I couldn't yet talk to Hammer even though he was in my thoughts. I know that once this is over we are gonna have to talk. But how he is gonna handle this information is gonna kill me. Especially if he chooses to walk away.

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