584 Year Victory

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"We tore down the symbol of hope for all witches in 1431. We burned the sorceress Joan of Arc and severed the connection between witches and their counsel. Our greatest time was the Great Purge that lasted another 400 years after Joan. However despite the 100 years of peace that followed the Great Purge, we are now living in a time of darkness and evil. Our ancestors, the original witch hunters would be disappointed in us. But worry not! Another 584 years later and we have captured the new counsel for the witches. My fellow hunters, I present you the devil-spawn whore, Luna Lumen!"

A fellow hunter that stood next the pillar pulled the cover, showing Luna. The witch was tied by rope against a wooden pillar. Surrounding her was firewood, grass, and the stench of gasoline. It was a replica of the death of Joan of Arc; death by burning at the stake. All the hunters gathered around the scene. Luna was still unconscious but perfectly secure to the pillar. "Tonight at 11:55 pm,we burn her body. It's believed by scholar hunters that no resurrection can happen during the change of day. This will mean the end of counsellors and the end of witchcraft", announced David. He stepped off the podium and walked towards Kathy and Darren. "Finally this can end and no longer will anyone have magic", said Darren. David nodded and responded, "I hope you'll wait until time. Go help Meghan with the ceremony supplies, I want this to be perfect."
Ariana was bruised, beat, and battered. She did excellent during the match and tryouts. In fact she did so well that the match ended 30 minutes earlier. Now she wanted to get to the dorm and sleep, just sleep. The elevator made a cute ding and the doors opened. She stepped out and made a bee line to the dorm that was, luckily, only down the hall from the elevator; 30 seconds away. Should I eat and then sleep or just sleep, she thought. These were the innocent thoughts coming to her mind until she opened the door. Half the room was empty and the window open. "Luna! Where are you? This isn't funny", Ariana yelled. She couldn't have been gone. Maybe it was that last trial? Did she leave because of me?, Ariana thought. Racing one by one, all circumstances, deductions, and inquiries pasted through Ariana's mind. Then she noticed the letter on the desk. She picked it up and read-

"Dear Ariana,
I can't take it anymore. The trials are putting you and me in danger. They took you and held you captive and forced me to use dark magic. Out of all trials this was the easiest. I had to escape hell and lie to everyones' faces to protect this stupid fucking society of weirdos with magic. However it's not just that. This power, the voices, they're becoming too much for me to handle. Everyday I hear the whispers and every moment I feel this surge running through me, like constantly being zapped by electricity. I have to run away; I don't know where. I'm not going to my parents house it'll put them in danger.
Goodbye, Ari"

Ariana's eyes watered up. She tried forcing back the tears but she was too weak and they took over her body, rolling down her cheek and making her body shake. Ariana walked over to the dorm phone and dialled Morgan. "Hey can you help me with something?"

In 20 minutes there was knocking at the dorm door. Ariana ran over to the door, looked through the peephole, and realising it was Morgan, opened the door. "Okay so I got you this. I'm going to try my best to cover for Luna while she's gone", said Morgan. As the silver haired maiden entered, she set a humongous spell book on the floor and signalled Ariana to come over. The two witches gathered on the floor. "Ok this spell is extremely dark magic so I'm going to do it. This tracking spell calls the spirit of the dead to find the target person. However the spirit will possess me as it needs a voice", explained Morgan. She sliced the palm of her hand with a knife decorated with skulls. The crimson blood began leaking slowly, then pouring a little after. With her other hand Morgan dabbed blood to the fingers and painted a huge pentagram on the floor, two points pointing forward. This was a sign of evil. Continuing, she placed a candle on each point of the pentagram. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she exhaled and opened her eyes, each candle spontaneously lit up. "Ok, let's do this." With her eyes closed and her hands bloody, Morgan chanted, "Tormenta damnati spiritus invoco in auxilium mysterium solut. Ego praecipio tibi, et vocavi vos et obedire!" Ariana knew the spell was working. The hairs at her neck stood up and the room became unbelievably cold. In fact the room itself looked darker, as if only illuminated by moonlight. There were dark forces at work here and Ari felt strong presences. Morgan's eyes opened followed with a gasp. Ari ran over and sat in front of the witch.

"You? I know you. Ariana. Davenport?"

"Morgan? Are you still there? Um, spirit of the dead I... come in peace. Don't be alarmed."

"Ariana, you dipshit it's me Sarah. Geez, I see you haven't changed at all, you dumb Oreo."

"Out of all the spirits in the world, you had to appear", Ariana screamed, "You primadonna bitch, you should've rotted in hell and not in possession of my friend's body."

"Now, now. That's no way to speak to the only person that knows your friend's location, which I will give you at a price."

"A price? You're fucking dead. I don't have ghost money or a magical spirit guide who makes it rain."

"Ok seriously chill out, I just want to go to heaven. I overheard through the Angels that a powerful being can request the 'upgrade', like Luna."

"Well first you have to help me find her so she can become this powerful being, so spill."

"She's going to be burned at the stake in 30 minutes by witch hunters. She's near the interstate. Remember that place were couples used to go in the early 2000s, but stopped because of that shooting with the 2 boys; that's where she's at."

Morgan's body pulled back as she let a gasp. Sarah had left the body. The witch fell onto the floor. "Morgan! Come on get up", panicked Ariana. Morgan opened her eyes weakly and was pulled up to her feet by Ariana, who said, "Sorry Grandmaster, but we need to go."

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