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The medical examiner grabbed a scalpel and disinfected it before slicing up the corpse of Luna. The middle aged woman walked over to the body and lifted the scalpel, but before doing anything, Luna's eyes opened. The examiner shrieked like a teenage girl in a horror movie and had jumped 3 feet back. Luna took a deep breath of air and sat up. Her face and body began regaining the colour it once missed from the paleness of death. However every part in her body hurt and she still had bruises and cuts all over. The medical examiner raised the scalpel and charged at Luna yelling, "You are an unholy thing, an abomination!" Luna raised her hand and the woman froze in mid-action.

"You were going to attack a zombie with a scalpel? Any ways where's the exit, Buffy?"

The medical examiner struggled for a moment then said, "You'll never get there. First... you have to pass the jail cells and they're littered with guards. Likewise when you... pass the interrogation room. Then you have the main hall..., good luck getting through that."

Luna wasn't worried about the guards or the civilians, but instead of the woman. I have to get rid of her, Luna thought. She flicked her hand, making the woman go airborne and hit her head on the cabinets that were lined up against the top of the wall. The woman collapsed to the floor, knocked unconscious. Luna got off the bed, but with trouble. Every part of her body hurt. She limped over to the woman and chanted, "Oblitus", making the examiner forget all the events that happened in the past day. Luna realized she needed to heal herself. Hopefully the morgue contained a bath, where examiners disinfected the bodies. Slowly, Luna walked to a locked door at the back of the morgue and unlocked it using magic. The bath was clean, luckily. She filled the tub with water and took off her morgue clothes and entered the water. It burned against her cuts. The witch began chanting over and over, "Aquae vitae, sana me." The water began moving back and forth, washing the witch's injuries away.
Luna was cured and dressed with the examiner's casual clothing. "Incanto", she casted. The glamour spell made her a Hispanic officer with long hair that was tucked into a police hat. She walked out of the morgue and took a left, heading to the jail cells. As she walked no one paid attention to her. She blended in perfectly, so much that she walked right into the cell with ease. "You!" Luna turned to face the person who screamed.
Kathy Lin hated Luna Lumen with all her heart. Upon seeing her once again she lost it, well she lost whatever bit of normality left in her head. Kathy began screaming, "WITCH, I'LL BURN YOU!! YOU'RE THE DEVIL'S WHORE!!" Kathy banged on the bars of the cell, as Luna stared in disbelief. She couldn't stand that Luna was looking at her like an animal, like a peasant. "I used to be the baddest witch in Salem, even stronger than Darren. I was stronger than you", Kathy yelled. "Let me out, and I'll show you true magic. I'll kill you, bitch. Bitch witch", Kathy began cackling and jumping, slamming on the bars. All the prisoners became silent and only Kathy was making a tantrum.
Luna was frightened. One of her best friends in the entire world, better than Ariana, had fallen to such depth. Luna once remembered how sweet and funny Kathy was, now she was an empty shell and a former shadow of the good girl she once was. This was the most traumatizing sights in the world for Luna. So much in fact that she didn't notice the commissioner, Jeff McIntyre, asking her if she was ok. "Ma'am", he shouted. Luna was snapped back to reality and said, "This prisoner is batshit crazy." Jeff chuckled and responded,"That's what I said." he began to lead Luna out of the cells and in the direction of the main hall, or her destination. As they walked he continued, "We were going to send her to a psychiatric hospital, but she still the only witness and suspect in a case. You know, the case about Fineland High?" This perked Luna's interest. He must of been one of the responders on the night of the fight, she thought. Luna nodded, and after entering the main hall with him she finished the conversation by saying,"Yeah, I heard about it. Anyways I gotta go, my kids are reeking havoc at home. See ya." The commissioner nodded and Luna waved goodbye, like a normal person. The witch opened the doors of the precinct, missing going outside and feeling the air of the mortal world. She sighed and casted, "Perago." This spell countered the illusion spell, and finally Luna was looking like her normal self. A car parked behind her honked it's horn. She looked back and saw a black Bentley. The passenger window lowered and an old man about in his mid 60s stuck out his head and said, "Get in Ms. Lumen." This is not weird, sarcastically thought Luna. She walked over to the Bentley and got in. The old man looked at her through the diver's mirror and disclosed, "2 trials down, 2 trials left." The man directed the driver to start driving. Luna sighed once more and looked out the window, staring at the road that was rapidly moving as the car began gaining speed and moving along the street.

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