When Opportunity Knocks

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KNOCK, KNOCK! "Honey, go get the door", screamed Mrs. Lumen. Mr. Lumen exited the garage through the kitchen and walked to the door of the house. Upon opening the large chestnut coloured door, that went beautifully with the light blue colour outside of the house, two buff men that were twins stood in front of Mr. Lumen. "Does witch Luna Lumen reside here?" Mr. Lumen was hesitant to respond because he didn't know if Luna was in trouble by The Order for what happened earlier in the school year. However he felt that, if he stayed silent, the buff men would barge in and start shooting up the place. "Give me a moment", responded Mr. Lumen. "LUNA!!!!"

Books, shirts, picture frames, and headphones all levitated around Luna in a circular clockwise rotation. "Feruntur Fortitudo", continuously chanted the witch. Over the course of the summer Luna had been taking any free time to polish her skills and this included meditation. Meditating was a wonderful thing that allowed Luna's power and focus to become stronger. The question was, how could someone mediate with a screaming father? She opened her eyes and with that lost her concentration. All the floating objects around her fell, each one with a thud when hitting the floor. Luna got off her bed and decided to head downstairs. "What did I do", asked Luna to her father. Her dad pointed at the door and Luna made her way to the threshold. "Luna Lumen", questioned the one of the buff men. "Depends, who's asking?" "The Order", said the other buff man. This made the witch/goddess worried. It had been only a few months since she had been aware of the new title Madeline bestowed on to her as Minerva, or was Hecate, anyways it was the spirit of some goddess. Had The Order found out who she was? "Okay what does The Order want from me", Luna inquired. The buff man spoke up, "We know of your 'abilities' and The Order must put you through the Trials. We come here to nicely ask you to come with us so you can prove your strength." "Ok fine, I'll go. How long do these trials take, 2-3 hours", asked Luna. The twins responded in unison, "a month." Luna was creeped out by those two, but what made her more creeped out was the fact The Order wanted her for a month. "You have 24 hours to pack up and we will return to take you away. If you make the mistake of not wanting to come, there will be a capture notice on you and your family. After a month you will return, if you fail the Trials. However, should you succeed, you become the new leader of The Order", said the twins, taking a turn after each sentence. "Don't worry gentlemen she'll be ready by tomorrow afternoon", said Luna's father. He closed the door and turned to Luna. "Dad! What the hell, I'm not doing that." "Watch your tone, young lady. There is nothing to fear of the Trials." "Your father is right. Your grandmother Anne took the Trials and she survived." "What are the steps, Dad?" "First is vanquishment, then combat, next is alchemy, and the final one is a secret challenge. I don't know it because your grandmother failed alchemy." Luna made her way upstairs to her room to begin packing. With her mind she commanded the luggage and all the clothes to be perfectly folded into the bag. In 10 mins she finished packing all the essentials.
"Ariana Davenport sucks and needs to die. Ariana is an ugly Oreo", read the furious teenager. "That's it!" She pushed both hands towards the door, causing an explosion that broke the hinges off and shoved the door back. All of the teenage girls sat at their tables with their friends, but upon hearing the explosion of the door many screamed or jumped up in fright. "Who was the little shit that wrote about me in the bathroom? ANSWER ME!!" Ariana lifted both hands and thrusted them forwards. An invisible wave of pure power threw back all the girls and the tables. "What the hell is she? Someone help", screamed one of the girls. "I'll show you what I am, you piece of-", before finishing the sentence the camp scoutmaster ran in. "Ariana, stop. Go outside and we'll talk", the scoutmaster chanted, "Oblitus." Holy crap, she's a witch, thought Ariana. A flash of a bright white light engulfed the camp cafeteria. All the mortal teenage girls had suddenly forgotten what happened and that Ariana displayed such a magical feat. The scoutmaster had long beautiful blonde hair that almost looked white and piercing grey eyes. She walked outside to meet up with Ariana. "You're a powerful witch. How would you like to join my class for advanced witches at The Order? You'll never have to attend normal school again", said the scoutmaster. This was unbelievable to Ariana. She had been attending the camp for a month and would have never suspected her scoutmaster was a witch from The Order. "That sounds great, but my parents are mortals. They don't know about my magic", admitted Ariana. The scoutmaster chuckled and said, "Don't worry about your parents The Order can solve that problem. However I'm very surprised at how strong you are for a mortal witch, there is definitely a place for you at my school." Ariana agreed to the magic school and the scoutmaster told her to wait for a letter in her mail for a private school. "Thank you, scoutmaster Morgan."

The Trialsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें